Some Dems Plotting To Oust Anti-Semitic Rep. Omar From Congress

Democratic party leadership and the media may be just fine with acting as apologists for anti-Semitism with their defense of controversial freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar but some Minnesotans are disgusted with the black eye that her conduct has given the state.

It’s not that the Somali-born radical socialist bothered to conceal her long history of hatred towards Israel and distaste for Jews when she ran for Congress but the way that she has used her celebrity status to promote her hateful views was likely unexpected to many.

Despite her only qualification being that she was a Muslim female, Omar was awarded with a spot on the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee by Speaker Nancy Pelosi who now may be having second thoughts as to the wisdom of elevating the profiles of Omar and her fellow fanatical newcomers Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Pelosi learned that you cannot reason with extremists when a lame attempt to rebuke Omar for her latest Jew-baiting controversy ended up putting the septuagenarian leader on the defense when a coalition of race-obsessed militants and hardcore socialists along with their media allies were able to successfully water down the language of the resolution (which already didn’t mention Omar) and to spin it in a way to blame her bigotry on President Trump.

Now the locals are doing what Pelosi won’t do by organizing to find a primary challenger to this grotesque and hateful person so that her congressional tenure will be very short.

Via The Daily Wire, Democrats, “Fed Up With Rep. Ilhan Omar, Are Working On Finding A Primary Challenger”:

The Hill reports that Minnesota Dems are so frustrated with what they see as Omar’s blatant anti-Semitism and refusal to learn from her mistakes that they’re already talking about holding recruitment for a primary challenger, even though Omar has been in office less than three months.

“There’s definitely some buzz going around about it, but it’s more a buzz of is anyone talking about finding someone to run against her than it is anyone saying they’re going to run against her or contemplate it. There’s definitely talk about people wanting someone to run against her,” one Minnesota state senator, who represents part of Omar’s district, told the Washington, D.C. outlet.

That’s a fairly sharp critique, particularly from someone who represents the same district as Omar, but the evidence that her Minnesota constituents might be better off cutting her tenure in Congress short is mounting. In the first several weeks of her term, she was censured (sort of) twice for repeating the same or similar comments, all anti-Semitic tropes about Jewish legislators being subject to “dual loyalties” to both the United States and Israel.

Despite repeated attempts to “help” Omar understand the problems with her comments, she continues to make allusions to “dual loyalty” in different forms, showing she’s either incapable or uninterested in marked change.

In particular, Jewish lawmakers want Omar to face consequences for her anti-Semitic language.

Given that Pelosi is now chained at the hip with Omar and the other radicals who she just appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine with, she isn’t going to be able to put a choke chain on this hater without risking a palace revolt.

Now it’s up to the people of Minneapolis in Minnesota’s 5th congressional district to do the right thing and slice this cancerous boil off of the ass of the body politic as well as to deliver a resounding message that anti-Semitism is unacceptable.