Legal Eagle California AG Says Illegal Immigrants Aren’t Criminals

Xavier Becerra is the California Attorney General so presumably he has some background in the law. Then again maybe he doesn’t. According to him, illegal immigrants are not criminals. Looking at this another way, he’s saying that people who break a law against entering this country without permission are not actually breaking the law. How does that work? I’m sure the people of California feel comfort in knowing the the state’s top cop has absolutely know idea what the law even is.

Becerra did an interview with The Huffington Post and wanted to prove how truly stupid he is. He succeed. When asked about illegal immigrants, he barfed up this ridiculous answer:

“They are not criminals. They haven’t committed a crime against someone, and they are not acting violently or in a way that’s harmful to people. And I would argue they are not harming people indirectly either,” said Becerra.

Not all crimes have to have a victim and California is a place where that is painfully evident. In the state merely possessing inanimate objects like guns liberals think look scary, fireworks, and duck liver are major felonies. Californians can be arrested for riding a skateboard too fast or riding a bike while listening to music on headphones. None of that nanny-state bullshit has a victim but the state throws people in jail all the time for these “offenses.”

Also, bullshit, illegal immigrants are criminals because they have broken a law. That’s why they are called “illegal”; they’ve done something illegal. I’m pretty sure that’s the first thing they teach you in law school. Wherever Becerra got his degree from should be embarrassed for cranking out such an ill-informed graduate.

Plus, illegal immigrants do have plenty of victims. They commit a crazy amount of rapes, murders, assaults, and property crimes every year. They also steal jobs, drive down wages, and cost American taxpayers billions for both the services they get and the cost to incarcerate them. Just because an American doesn’t die when a foreigner steps over the border doesn’t mean illegal immigration is a victimless crime.

Making this more insane, Becerra says he wants to decriminalize illegal immigration. If he wants to decriminalize it, that would appear to be an acknowledgement that illegal immigration is currently a crime, right? If something is a crime and people commit it, doesn’t that make them criminals? Whatever. This guy is a kook.

Speaking of which, Becerra has a backup plan just in case Congress doesn’t pass any open-borders legislation.

“If you call them criminals, it’s a lot easier to get people to turn against them than if you call them undocumented immigrants,” Becerra said.

That’s brilliant. Just call illegal immigrants something else and then it won’t sound as bad and they won’t be treated like criminals any longer. Why not call illegal immigrants Pumpkin Spice Unicorns? Who could possibly be against that?

My favorite part about this interview is this bit of commentary from The HuffPo:

Congress criminalized the act of jumping the border in 1929, passing a law spearheaded by Sen. Coleman Blease ― an avowed segregationist known for performing ritual dances to celebrate the lynchings of black men.

What do you think the HuffPo left out of this? If you guessed that Coleman Blease was a democrat, you get 15 Def-Con News points. This is from Wikipedia:

Coleman Livingston Blease (October 8, 1868 – January 19, 1942) was a South Carolina politician who belonged to the Democratic Party. He served as a state legislator, 90th Governor of South Carolina (1910-1912), and U.S. Senator.

Blease was notorious for playing on the prejudices of poor whites to gain their votes. He was pro-lynching and anti-black education. As senator, he advocated penalties for interracial couples attempting to get married, as well as criticizing First Lady Lou Hoover for inviting a black guest to tea at the White House.

Democrats sure don’t like acknowledging their party’s history, do they?

The bottom line is this: illegal immigration hurts this country and is a crime. Decriminalizing it would spell doom for America and mark the beginning of the end for the greatest nation the world has ever known. Anyone who advocates for open-boarders, amnesty, and decriminalizing illegal immigration is actually calling for the destruction of the United States. Democrats’ past is shameful but their present and future are somehow worse.