Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Enjoy the weekend Deplorables!

Are Democrats Pushing Sharia Law?

Via The American Thinker

Now Democrats are using government mandates to instill Islam in public schools while rooting out Christianity. Remember Democrat AG Loretta Lynch’s threat to jail anyone caught speaking badly of Islam? Lynch’s boss, Obama, was the most pro-Islam and anti-Christian president in U.S. history.

Democrats use blacks, women, homosexuals, and Muslims as useful idiots to further their extreme radical leftist agenda. For example. Democrats and fake news said that opposing Obama’s punish-America policies was racist. Had Hillary won, opposing her leftist agenda would be branded sexist. If homosexual Democrat presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg wins the WH, opposing his extreme radical leftist ideas will be branded homophobia. If one of the anti-Semitic Democrats win the presidency, opposing their hate-Israel rants will be branded Islamophobic. This tactic is called “shaming.” Democrats and fake news routinely use shaming to silence all opposition, while forcing their anti-American and anti-Christian agendas down our throats.

Judge Jeanine Pirro’s TV show was taken off the air for two weeks for daring to tell the truth about Muslim Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s rabid anti-Semitism. Rather than strongly rebuking Omar’s hatred for our ally, Israel, every Democratic presidential candidate decided to give Israel their middle finger by refusing to attend AIPAC.

Can you believe there are “Muslim Community Patrol” cars in Brooklyn, New York which look exactly like police cars? Disturbed residents are questioning why this is necessary because the NYPD is extremely diverse. These Muslim patrols are allowed to stealthily enforce Sharia law in their neighborhoods — no homosexuals, no women wearing short skirts and so on.

Respecting Islam, a California public school caved to Sharia law by forbidding students to draw images of Mohammed. And yet, Democrats defended the NEA funding “Piss Christ” which featured a crucifix submerged in urine.

Read the entire article HERE.

Over Parent Objections, Public School Teaches 6-Year-Olds About ‘Transgender Ravens’ And Gender Fluidity

Via The Federalist

Should a six-year-old be taught to use transgendered pronouns and believe in so-called gender fluidity? The leaders of Superior Elementary School in Boulder Valley School District, Colorado, think so.

Last November, the school showed children from kindergarten to fifth-grade videos from “Queer Kid Stuff” and a stage play about transgenderism to promote “acceptance and inclusivity” especially related to the transgender community. Some parents are outraged and are seeking possible legal remedies.

Superior is a small Colorado town with a population of 13,000. It’s about 20 miles east of the “Republic of Boulder,” which is known for being the home of University of Colorado and the most liberal city in Colorado.

On November 16, 2018, the day before Thanksgiving break, parents received an email from Jennifer Bedford, the school’s principal. Buried deep in all the other normal school updates was a “Save the Date” announcement. It stated that Phoenix, Colorado’s “Trans Community Choir,” would perform a play titled “Raven’s True Self” for children between first and fifth grade.

According to the memo, “This story is about a transgender raven in a community of animals … The story’s message is about the importance of being seen for who you are on the inside, rather than how you are perceived on the outside.” On the day this email came out, the same choir performed the same show for the first to fifth graders at Nederland Elementary School, another school of the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD).

But children at Superior elementary were promised more. The email included links to three videos that would be shown to kids prior to the musical performance: “He, She, and They – What is Gender,” “No More Gender Roles,” and “Expressing Myself, My Way.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats face minefield if they get Trump’s tax returns

Via Politico

Democrats’ bid to seize President Donald Trump’s tax returns will come with some serious legal risk to themselves.

Lawmakers are concerned that, even if they get the president’s filings, his returns will still be protected by strict confidentiality laws — it is a felony, punishable by up to five years, to improperly disclose private tax information.

There are ways around the dilemma, and Democrats intend to make at least some information about Trump’s taxes public — that is much of the point of their entire effort. But that probably won’t happen right away. Lawmakers say they will likely take some time to examine his filings behind closed doors before making anything publicly available.

That means there will be a period, possibly lasting months, when Democrats will have finally seen the president’s long-hidden taxes — and they will be inundated with questions about what’s in them — but they won’t be able to talk about them. If they let anything slip, Republicans will surely jump, demanding an investigation by the Justice Department.

Read the entire article HERE.

How Rachel Maddow Turned Into Infowars

Via The American Conservative

She’s still spinning Russiagate conspiracy tales, even as her ratings come crashing down.

So there was Maddow, night after night in front of her serial killer burlap board, Trump and Putin surrounded by blurry images of Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, she running twine between pins so her viewers could keep up with her racing intellect. Anyone with a Russian-y surname “had ties to Putin,” “connections to Russian intelligence,” or was at least an oligarch. She nurtured an unashamed crush on deep state clowns that the Rachel Maddow of a few years back would have smirked at—Brennan, Clapper, Comey.

She ignored or downplayed other news, devoting over 50 percent of her airtime to Russiagate alone (Trump’s Muslim visa ban got less than 6 percent). She worked to convince Americans that the cornerstone of justice was not “innocent until proven guilty” but “if there’s smoke there’s fire.” She joined journalists in knowingly publishing material whose veracity they doubted, centering on the Steele dossier.

Maddow became Infowars. She moved beyond the simpleton advocacy journalism of Bush lie peddling journo tools. She was going to save the country. So she created a story out of whole cloth that reinforced her political beliefs and convinced people it was true. And it was all justified because the fate of the republic itself hung in the balance. Any day now, Trump would peel off a rubber mask Scooby Doo-style to reveal that he was Putin all along.

And then, after years of being held together by the incantation “just wait for Mueller Time,” one day it all fell apart. The Mueller report summary was short, but it answered the most important question ever asked about a president: Trump was not a Russian asset. There was no Russiagate, no conspiracy, collusion, cooperation, or indictments, none to come and none sealed we didn’t know about, and no treason or perjury charges over the Moscow hotel or the Trump Tower meeting or anything else. The accusations were as explicit as was the conclusion. It. Did. Not. Happen.

The great progressive hope—America was run by a Russian stooge—was over and done.

Maddow’s response?

Break another cardinal rule of journalism and bury the lede. Okay, sure, Bill Barr says Mueller didn’t find collusion if you wanna believe that, but what matters now is that, even after Robert Mueller did not find evidence of obstruction he could charge, and the FBI before him did not find any, and Bill Barr confirmed he did not find it, Maddow still knows obstruction took place. And if only she could see the full Mueller report, she would explain it all to you. (Maddow is promoting a “day of action” for Americans to take to the streets and demand the report.) It wasn’t the Russians; it was old man Barr in the drawing room with the candlestick! Trump is guilty of failing to obstruct an investigation that cleared him!

Read the entire article HERE.

Mark Zuckerberg Proposes Regulating Political Discussion, Immigration Debate

Via Breitbart News

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg proposed in an interview this week that political discussion on social media, including the immigration debate, should be regulated in an effort to crack down on foreign influence.
In a Good Morning America interview with George Stephanopoulos, Thursday, Zuckerberg declared, “All of the laws around political advertising today primarily focus on a candidate and an election, right, so, ‘Vote for this candidate in this election.’ But that’s not, primarily, what we saw Russia trying to do and other folks who were trying to interfere in elections. And what we saw them doing was talking about divisive political issues.”

“They’d run, simultaneously, different campaigns on social media trying to argue for immigration or against immigration. And the goal wasn’t, actually, to advance the issue forward. It was just to rile people up and be divisive. But the current laws around what is political advertising don’t consider discussion issues to be political,” he continued. “So that’s just one of the examples of where you know, it’s not clear to me, after working on this for a few years now, that we want a private company to be making that kind of a fundamental decision about, you know, what is political speech? And how should that be regulated?”

“I think, broadly, we would say that setting the rules around political advertising is not a company’s job, right? I mean, there’s been plenty of the rules in the past. It’s just that, at this point they’re not updated to the modern threats that we face or the modern kinds of nation-state trying to interfere in each other’s elections,” Zuckerberg elaborated. “We need new rules, right?

Read the entire article HERE.

Convention at major U.S. hotels showcases extreme sexual depravity

Via WorldNetDaily

If you had plans to take your kids to downtown Cleveland over the weekend of April 25-28, don’t – unless you want them to receive a quick and nightmarish tutorial about where the “LGBTQ” agenda really takes America: into a filthy sewer.

That weekend, major Cleveland hotels will host CLAW, the Cleveland Annual Leather Weekend

It’s a large orgy of homosexual males focused on “sado-masochism” and “bondage.” Think ropes, chains, erotic asphyxiation, suspension by hooks, cutting, etc. Or maybe don’t think about them, since these are usually considered reckless, stupid activities involving major risks of injury and disease, committed by severely emotionally disturbed people.

Unless of course you identify as “LGBTQ.” Then you get respect and can demand whatever you want in “public accommodations” even if it’s crazy, disgusting or a public health nightmare.

Which is why there’s a petition to Cleveland officials to stop this outrage.

If you have an interest in the Westin that weekend, it’s apparently “full.” Think about that: Packed with deviant males who will be doing who knows what in their rooms.

Sorry to offend, but it’s important to understand what is going on here: the public sharing of bodily fluids of promiscuous people who also regularly engage in anatomically invasive sex practices. So in the meeting rooms of the Westin, Hampton Inn, Cleveland Marriott, etc., there will be activities and “workshops” (a.k.a., orgies) involving blood, feces, urine, semen and – when people realize what they are doing – possibly vomit.

Several days later, you might be attending a corporate luncheon in the same room – and the Cleveland Department of Health is apparently okay with this.

If you had plans to take your kids to downtown Cleveland over the weekend of April 25-28, don’t – unless you want them to receive a quick and nightmarish tutorial about where the “LGBTQ” agenda really takes America: into a filthy sewer.

That weekend, major Cleveland hotels will host CLAW, the Cleveland Annual Leather Weekend

It’s a large orgy of homosexual males focused on “sado-masochism” and “bondage.” Think ropes, chains, erotic asphyxiation, suspension by hooks, cutting, etc. Or maybe don’t think about them, since these are usually considered reckless, stupid activities involving major risks of injury and disease, committed by severely emotionally disturbed people.

Unless of course you identify as “LGBTQ.” Then you get respect and can demand whatever you want in “public accommodations” even if it’s crazy, disgusting or a public health nightmare.

Which is why there’s a petition to Cleveland officials to stop this outrage.

If you have an interest in the Westin that weekend, it’s apparently “full.” Think about that: Packed with deviant males who will be doing who knows what in their rooms.

Sorry to offend, but it’s important to understand what is going on here: the public sharing of bodily fluids of promiscuous people who also regularly engage in anatomically invasive sex practices. So in the meeting rooms of the Westin, Hampton Inn, Cleveland Marriott, etc., there will be activities and “workshops” (a.k.a., orgies) involving blood, feces, urine, semen and – when people realize what they are doing – possibly vomit.

Several days later, you might be attending a corporate luncheon in the same room – and the Cleveland Department of Health is apparently okay with this.

Read the entire article HERE.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Not sure if anyone else is dismayed at the ongoing decline of The Drudge Report but check out WHATFINGER, a great new conservative news aggregator if you already have, spread the word that this is the place to go.

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