Citizen Militia Apprehends 200 Illegal Immigrants And Liberals Are Pissed

The democrats won’t do a thing to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into this country and are fighting tooth and nail to keep President Trump from securing our borders. When there is a failure in government, it’s up to the people to act and that’s exactly what happened in New Mexico recently. An armed citizen militia group captured and detained 200 illegal immigrants they caught sneaking across the border. Naturally liberals are pissed and almost as mad as if someone tried to drop the criminals off in their sanctuary cities.

Fox News reports that a citizen militia group known as United Constitutional Patriots recently made a nice bust near the border town of Sunland Park, NM, grabbing 200 illegal immigrants at gun point. The group held the illegals until the US Border Patrol could come and take them.

I’m very disappointed in Fox News because they call these criminals “asylum seekers” which is false and the kind of language that open-borders democrats use. Asylum seekers turn themselves in at an official port of entry. They don’t sneak across the border in the dead of night.

In any case, the leader of this militia laid out his group’s plan to assist in securing our border:

The militia group, which calls itself the United Constitutional Patriots, said it is determined to monitor the border until President Trump fulfills his campaign promise of a border wall or until Congress enacts stronger legislation to make it more difficult for migrants to request asylum, Jim Benvie, a spokesman, [said] in a phone interview.

Good for them. In the absence of action from the federal government, our country needs more people like this.

According to liberals however, this was not an act of patriotism, but something closer to a hate crime. Here’s what New Mexico’s democrat governor Michelle Lujan Grisham had to say about it:

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” said Grisham.

Well no, it doesn’t go without saying that “regular citizens” have no authority to arrest and detain criminals. The power of arrest isn’t reserved for sworn law enforcement officers; every single one of us has the authority to execute a citizen’s arrest.

Here’s a shocker: In the US, private citizens have the right to arrest someone they see committing a crime, including felonies, misdemeanors, and “breech of peace” offenses. What’s more, private citizens can use appropriate force to make that arrest.

[Girsahm added] that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S.

Arresting and detaining people who are committing crimes is hardly menacing or threatening. If that were the case, all enforcement of the law would be illegal. I think the governor is just pissed that these brave American patriots picked up the “Welcome mat” she and the democrats laid out for future Democratic Party voters.

The ACLU was also displeased with this legal act of patriotism and found a way to blame President Trump in the process:

The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

What “vile racism” would that be? The vile racism of enforcing our existing immigration laws? Of trying to protect our borders from a foreign invasion of criminals and terrorists? Of trying to maintain our nation’s sovereignty? Boy, the ACLUers sure have a strange definition of racism, don’t they?

If they’re looking for the appropriate party to blame, and they’re not, it all rests on the democrats who will stop any effort to curb illegal immigration. They’ll block President Trump from securing our border, but won’t block illegals from entering the country. With out this unAmerican democratic bullshit, groups like the United Constitutional Patriots wouldn’t have to pick up the slack.