Bonus: Easter Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Here’s something for your Easter baskets.

The Tide Has Turned

By Ben Garrison

n the boat, left to right: Strzok, Clapper, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Shifty Schiff, Cankles, Brennan, and the Crook in Chief, Obama.
For two years the Democrats have been on a fishing expedition to bring down a lawfully elected president. They got skunked and reeled in no evidence to support their accusation that Trump colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary.

Their boat enjoyed a high tide of hope and momentum for two years, but after the Mueller Report was released, that tide went out. All the way out. Now they’re stuck in the mud and they all look ridiculous. Do they abandon their boat and trudge back to the shore of apology? No. Most of them are tripling down on their lunacy. They’re now threatening impeachment based on ‘obstruction,’ even though there’s no proof of that, either. Maybe Trump gritting his teeth at their witch-hunt qualifies as obstruction.

Mueller knew the case was based on a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton, yet he allowed the case to drag on at taxpayer expense for two years. His report is filled with accusations, but then he also says there is no proof. He said his report does not ‘exonerate’ Trump, but there’s a pesky legal issue associated with that claim. Trump is innocent until proven guilty, and Mueller couldn’t even come close. The report is nothing but damage control to save his friend Hillary and his buddies in the corrupt security agencies.

The tide is rushing back in, but this time it’s a tidal wave in Trump’s favor. What the Deep State operatives did to him is nothing short of treason and they must be held accountable. LOCK THEM UP!

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

End Times for the Collusion Cult?

Via American Greatness

Long have we dwelt upon how many of those who eschew revealed religion, instead have turned and clung to the left-wing’s regressive “civil religion.” Among these secular believers, one of the fastest growing sects was the Russian Collusion Cult.

As with the overarching intellectual fraud, Collusion Cult members derived their benighted world view and unwarranted sense of self-worth from this ideological cesspool; however, unlike the larger practitioners of the civil religion who believe they ultimately would somehow coerce a change in human nature to erect an earthly Eden (a.k.a., “workers’ paradise”), the Collusion Cult had a less ambitious, more immediate Parousia: the impeachment and imprisonment of President Trump.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report was supposed to commence the Collusion Cult’s end times. Trump would be removed from office and frog marched to a federal penitentiary (for violent offenders, not some country club); then, Vice President Mike Pence would be impeached for abetting Trump in his crimes and on general principles (c.f., Mayor Pete); and the first female commander-in-chief, Nancy Pelosi, after taming that pesky Russian runt Vladimir Putin, would regressively govern the country while the slack-jawed corporate left-wing media drooled over the next “The One” up to and through his/hers/its inauguration.

Then Hale-Bopp arrived without the spaceship.

Read the entire article HERE.

Black Privilege Is Ultimate Cause of Minnesota Mall Atrocity

Via The Unz Review

Emmanuel Aranda, a black man living in Minnesota, is alleged to have thrown Landen Hoffman, a white five year old, off the third floor of the Mall Of America. The boy is still alive but Aranda has been charged with attempted murder. [Boy, 5, Who Was Thrown off Mall of America Balcony Is Making Steps Toward Recovery, Inside Edition, April 18, 2019] (It’s likely that only a child that young could have survived—an adult who falls forty feet is usually Dead Right There). Significantly, however, this incident not being treated as a hate crime by police or the Main Stream Media. That’s because of Black Privilege—and it means this sort of thing will continue.

Emmanuel Aranda is quoted by prosecutors as admitting his guilt, saying that he originally meant to do it to an adult, because he’s been rejected by women he had approached (i. e. harassed) in the mall. Prosecutors failed to say if the women he was harassing were white. Aranda had previously been removed from the mall and had a long record of trouble with the law.

Read the entire article HERE.

Outbreak of Colorblindness Strikes Chicago Reporters

Via The American Thinker

Chicago picked a strange time to go all colorblind on us. The occasion was the occasional riot in one of America’s premier high-end shopping districts: the Magnificent Mile.

Wednesday night, 500 people rampaged through downtown looting, destroying property, attacking white people, defying police, stopping traffic, threatening tourists, and created lots of mayhem and chaos.

All on video. Some of which you can find here.

If local media is to be believed, race had nothing to do with the fact that every single one of the rioters was black.

Strange behavior from a local media that is obsessed with race, especially white racism and black victimization. Every day, it is easy to find stories in Chicago about black schools, black politicians, black businesses, black neighborhoods, black income, black funeral homes, black mayors, black police chiefs, black district attorneys, black football players, black baseball players, black churches, black music, black television, black movies, black actors (wassup Jussie!!!), black history, black community activists, black nationalists and of course all the things that white people do to constantly aggravate them and force them into crime and violence wildly out of proportion.

Sorry about that. My check for reparations is in the mail.

Read the entire article HERE.

Parents Who Let Their Toddlers Choose Their Own Genders Are Either Mentally Ill Or Evil

a person would need to be mentally ill to think that a young child is capable of selecting his own biological identity. Nobody of any age is capable of such a thing, least of all a child who doesn’t even know what the term “biological identity” means. It is quite disturbing, then, to see how many mentally ill parents exist in this country, and how their insane and abusive parental strategies are hailed by the media.

The latest example of this madness comes to us courtesy of Charlize Theron, who recently complained that she is “shockingly single” at the age of 43. I think now we know why. In another interview, Theron “confirmed” that her 7-year-old son is actually a girl. The poor young boy, who she now parades around in a dress, announced his gender identity at the age of three, Theron claims: “Yes, I thought she was a boy, too. Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I am not a boy!'”

Read the entire article HERE.


Read the entire article HERE.

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