Trump Kills Obama Era UN Arms Treaty At NRA Convention

Another horrible piece of Barack Obama’s legacy was taken out behind the shed and put down. President Trump announced at the annual NRA convention in Indianapolis  that he was rejecting the UN Arms treaty that Obama signed but was never ratified by Congress. This piece of crap would have allowed the United Nations to dictate gun laws in the US and Trump mercifully put a bullet in the back of its head.

Fox News reports:

President Trump announced Friday that his administration is withdrawing the U.S. signature from the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, in response to concerns from gun rights activists that it could impinge on Americans’ right to bear arms.

“Under my administration we will never surrender American sovereignty to anyone, we will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment freedom and that is why my administration will never ratify the U.N. trade treaty,” said Trump.

Former President Barack Obama signed the treaty in 2013 and sent the treaty to the Senate for ratification. Onstage Friday, Trump signed a notice to the Senate asking it to stop the ratification process and return the treaty to the White House, “where I will dispose of it.”

“I am officially announcing today that the United States will be revoking the effect of America’s signature from this badly misguided treaty, we’re taking our signature back,” said Trump.

The stated purpose of the treaty was to regulate international arms trade from tanks to small arms. In reality, it would give the UN complete control over all weapons transfers and allow them to dictate gun law in the United States. It would have required that the US create a gun registry and submit that information to the UN. The UN would have also been able to declare 2nd Amendment gun ownership rights as a violation of the treaty.

It was a piece of shit that would have basically destroyed our nation’s sovereignty while surrendering our freedom to an international body of leftist idiots. No wonder Obama was so keen on it.

The UN arms treaty was another in a long list of godawful deals Obama tried to commit to and which Trump killed. There was the Paris Climate Accord that would have forced us to give billions of dollars to shithole countries while destroying the American energy industry. Then there was the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal, which would have allowed foreign entities to control US trade policy and manipulate our currency. And who can forget the rotten Iran Nuclear Deal where we sent planeloads of cash to Iran and removed all sanctions in return for them to still develop nuclear weapons?

Thankfully, Obama signed on to all of these bullshit deals without Congressional approval so Trump has been able to unf*ck all of them. Obama isn’t the only one with a magic pen.

And while Obama was always trying to give away American sovereignty and power to foreigners, check out what President Trump had to say:

“By taking these actions, we are reaffirming that American liberty is sacred and that American citizens live by American laws not by laws of foreign countries,” said Trump.

Fuck yeah! I’m so glad we don’t have a democrat in the White House anymore. If Trump hadn’t won in 2016, we’d be nothing more than a UN-controlled territory at this point.