Hillary Clinton Is Advising 2020 Democrats On How To Beat Donald Trump

You don’t ask Hitler how to win WWII, you don’t ask the Buffalo Bills how to win a Super Bowl, and you don’t ask Hillary Clinton how to win the White House. Then again, democrats are dumb so many of the 2020 presidential candidates have met with Hillary to ask her advice on how to beat Trump. Even funnier, none of Hillary’s advice involves campaigning in key swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania.

The Hill reported that gay Mayor Pete Buttigieg met with Hillary to get her take on how to defeat Trump. He might as well have asked her how to comply with a subpoena or how to keep your husband from raping women because these are things she has no knowledge of. Also The Hill could have knocked this thing out of the park with the headline: “When The Butt Met The Asshole” but they went a different way.

Hillary went on Rachel Maddow and revealed that most of the 2020 dems have met with her to get her expert advice. During this segment Hillary was bitching about how the Russians successfully blocked her from winning the White House and dropped the pro tips she gave to the democratic candidates.

“I’ve met with most of the candidates who are running this time, and answered their questions. I always tell them, ‘You know, you can run the best campaign. You can be the person who gets the nomination. But unless we know how to protect our election from what happened before, and what could happen again — because there’s greater sophistication about it — you could lose. And I don’t mean it to scare anybody. But I do want every candidate to understand that this remains a threat,” said Hillary.

I’m not sure if you noticed, but Hillary’s advice about beating Trump is actually just her complaining that the 2016 election was stolen from her. She’s saying that she ran the best campaign but the Russians robbed her of her throne. Did the Russians force her to avoid Wisconsin? Did the Russians make her run an illegal e-mail server and trade classified materials over an unsecured line? Did the Russian blackmail her into being an unlikeable out-of-touch insufferable bitch?

Host Rachel Maddow wanted Hillary to clarify what she was talking about.

“That they could lose at the hand of a foreign power, not that they could lose fair and square?” Maddow asked.

“Yes. That’s right. That it wasn’t on the level,” replied Hillary.

Again, Hillary’s advice to the 2020 dems is actually her trying to excuse her shitty 2016 campaign. What she’s really saying here is that she didn’t lose to Donald Trump fair and square. That a foreign power caused her defeat and that her loss was not on the level.

Hillary went on to say that Trump actually did collude with the Russians to steal the election despite the fact the the Robert Mueller investigation turned up zero evidence to support this fantasy. So for those of you wondering when Hillary is going to get over the devastating 2016 loss that is entirely her fault, the answer is never.

Meanwhile, things are not looking great for the democrats who hope to defeat Trump in 2020. Of all the people they should be seeking advice from on how to defeat the President, the woman who got her ass kicked by him is the last one they should ask. If they want to know how to do a fake black accent to pander votes, Hillary’s their woman, but asking her how to beat Trump is preposterous.