Commie Ghoul Bernie Sanders Supports Sex-Selective Abortions

Are you an expectant mother who just found out you’re having a girl and you had your mind set on a boy? No problem. Bernie Sanders thinks you should kill that baby girl and try again for a boy. As the democrats’ position on abortion keeps reaching new levels of extremism, the Vermont socialist says he supports sex-selective abortions. If that is disturbing or offensive to you, Bernie says too bad, just deal with it.

Bernie was on Meet the Press and gave one of the worst answers on abortion, which is saying a lot considering democrats love them some infanticide. Chuck Todd asked Bernie about his plan on abortion should he win the White House in 2020

“Will you have a litmus test for judges on Roe? It’s pretty clear in 2020, no matter which side of the abortion you are on, it is going to be on the ballot, the issue of Supreme Court justices. Do you believe in that Roe litmus test?” Todd asked.

“Look, I believe what they did in Alabama was unbelievable, other states are doing it, the idea that women in this country should not be able to control their own bodies is beyond belief. They have that constitutional right. So if you’re asking me would I ever appoint a Supreme Court Justice who does not believe in defending Roe versus Wade, who does not believe that a woman has a right to control her own body, I will never do that,” replied Sanders.

“Do you believe there should be any restrictions on abortion in law?” Todd asked.

“I think that that is a decision that is being, that should be made by the woman and her physician, and I think what people are doing, it’s sadly is creating a political issue out of a medical issue,” said Sanders.

So far Bernie’s giving pretty standard liberal responses. He likes Roe v. Wade, the SCOTUS decision that legalized abortion, and doesn’t believe there should be any restrictions on abortion. Then, Todd asked Bernie if he is against sex-selective abortion and things went to shit.

“Are you at all concerned, though, about this idea that people may try to worry about the sex of a child, or essentially, are those types of restrictions on abortions something you’re open to?” Todd asked.

“I wouldn’t use a restriction on, that’s an issue that society has got to deal with,” said Sanders.

The question obviously caught Sanders off guard, but he was very clear that he would not support restricting sex-selective abortions, which is another way of saying he thinks it’s neat-o to kill unborn babies based on their gender.

Finally Bernie showed what kind of leadership he would bring to the presidency by shrugging his shoulders on the issue.

“How would you deal with that in the law?” Todd asked.

“I don’t know how, at this particular point, I would deal with it,” replied Sanders.

Bold answer and in reality, he’s lying. He said he doesn’t know how he’d deal with sex-selective abortions, but he’s already confirmed that he wouldn’t put any restrictions on abortion. To answer the question of how he’d deal with women killing babies with genders they don’t like, he’d let it happen. That’s his horrible answer.

Democrats favor late-term abortions, right up until the baby is being born, and have passed laws allowing it in liberal states like NY. They are even cool with post-birth abortions (infanticide) as Virginia Governor Ralph ‘Coonman’ Northam has stated. Now Bernie is on record giving sex-selective abortions a two big thumbs up.

And because Bernie Sanders is a raging communist, he wants you and I to pay for all of this horrific baby-killing insanity, masquerading as a “women’s health issue.” This is one more great reason why Bernie or any other democratic party monster should never be president.