Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Happy Tuesday Deporables, one day closer to a long holiday weekend…

China’s new ‘social credit system’ is a dystopian nightmare

Via The New York Post

Imagine calling a friend. Only instead of hearing a ring tone you hear a police siren, and then a voice intoning, “Be careful in your dealings with this person.”

Would that put a damper on your relationship? It’s supposed to.

Welcome to life in China’s “Social Credit System,” where a low score can ruin your life in more ways than one.

Say you arrive at the Beijing airport, intending to catch a flight to Canton 1,200 miles south. The clerk at the ticket counter turns you away because — you guessed it — your social credit score is too low.

Not only are you publicly humiliated in the ticket line, you are then forced to travel by slow train. What should have been a three-hour flight becomes a 30-hour, stop-and-go nightmare.

All because the government has declared you untrustworthy. Perhaps you defaulted on a loan, made the mistake of criticizing some government policy online or just spent too much time playing video games on the internet. All of these actions, and many more, can cause your score to plummet, forcing citizens onto the most dreaded rung on China’s deadbeat caste system, the laolai.

And the punishments are shocking. The government algorithm will go as far as to install an “embarrassing” ring tone on the phones of laolai, shaming them every time they get a call in public.

But an embarrassing ring tone, flight bans and slow trains are just the beginning of the dystopian nightmare that is now daily life in China for tens of millions of people.

Read the entire article HERE.

Facebook Singled Out Candace Owens for Scrutiny, Potential Ban, Internal Document Indicates

Via The Epoch Times

Facebook has encouraged some of its employees to probe the background of conservative commentator Candace Owens for anything that could give the social media giant grounds to kick her off its platforms, an internal Facebook document described and partially leaked to Breitbart indicates.

The document is a spreadsheet on “Policy Review” of what the company calls “hate agents.” It was created in early April and was related to prominent figures recently banned from the platform, a Facebook spokesperson said. Owens was listed on the document under the note, “Extra Credit (We should look into these after we’re done with the above designation analysis).” The spokesperson believed Owens hadn’t yet been investigated.

Owens, who is black, came out as a conservative in a July 2017 YouTube video and has since become one of the most popular conservative speakers in America. She’s argued that liberal policies have hurt black communities, such as by weakening family structure through welfare incentives, undercutting black workers through supporting illegal immigration, and suppressing black birthrates through promoting abortion.

Read the entire article HERE.

Google and Big Tech Are Already Implementing Their Chinese-Tested Blacklists on US Conservatives

Via The Gateway Pundit

In November 2018 The Guardian reported on group of Google employees published an open letter on Tuesday calling on their employer to cancel its plans to build a censored search engine for China, the latest expression of worker unrest at a company that earlier this month saw thousands stage walkouts over its handling of sexual misconduct cases.

The Google employees were very upset that Google’s Project Dragonfly would allow the Chinese government to blacklist certain search terms. The employees said, “Many of us accepted employment at Google with the company’s values in mind… After a year of disappointments … we no longer believe this is the case.”

Just months later it is now obvious that Google, Facebook and Twitter are using their own blacklists of prominent conservatives and their supporters.

If you search Google for prominent conservative voices including: Mike Cernovich, Joe diGenova, Jack Posobiec or Gateway Pundit you will see a hit pieces and biased attacks. The Gateway Pundit is one of the largest, most accurate and most influential publishers in the country today. In the last month if you search Google for “Gateway Pundit” the first item that it pulls up is a pdf of Jim Hoft’s speech to Congress. The line item says: “Gateway Pundit – Congressman Steve King”. It is a pdf! We have written hundreds of stories that changed the media narrative in the US and this pdf is the first item the pops up? Most likely it is because some Google jack*ss wanted to link us to Republican Rep. King who the left has smeared as a racist.

Read the entire article HERE.

Impeachment Supporter Justin Amash Is Only Republican With 75% CAIR Approval Rating

Via Big League Politics

Rep. Justin Amash, who over the weekend called for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump on Twitter, is the only Republican legislator to receive a passing 75 per cent approval rating from the terrorist-affiliated Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR.

Over the weekend, Amash came to a radically different conclusion than most politicians and commentators, and claimed that after reading the redacted Mueller report there was ample evidence indicating President Trump should be impeached.

Amash received a spat of positive coverage for his radical stance, leading many to research the young congressman and his supporters.

According to Vote Smart, Amash is the only Republican who received a passing grade of 75 per cent from CAIR for its 2017-2018 year. He scored as high as many high ranking Democrats, including Sen. Dick Blumenthal, Sen. Tim Kaine, and just below Sen. Ron Wyden’s 80 per cent score.

Read the entire article HERE.

Calif. prof crams ‘Game of Thrones’ into white supremacy framework

Via Campus Reform

California professor expanded on his view that Game of Thrones is a reflection of white supremacy in a Saturday interview, alleging that the main black male character “must be literally castrated to be ‘good.'”

Antioch University professor Timothy Malone commented on his essay for left-wing publication TruthOut, titled “The Real Monster in ‘Game of Thrones’ Is Its Hidden Reactionary Ideology” during an interview with Salon.

In his original essay, he describes Game of Thrones as “a show about our relation to the prison, our obsession to disappear people, who, once on the other side of the wall, are not ‘people’ anymore. The wall represents the boundaries of ‘us’ as a nation, and those who are not ‘us’ and must be excluded: the criminal and the immigrant.”

Malone compares the wildlings beyond the Wall to poor whites and the White Walkers or Others to racial “others.”

“It is whiteness as social capital,” the professor explains in TruthOut. “You may be poor and at the bottom of the hierarchy, but at least you’re not Black, (or in this case, an ice zombie). That’s why [the wildlings] were located beyond the wall (the prison). In the show, they become deputized in the struggle against White Walkers; in reality, the device has been to turn some percentage of them into cops and prison guards with good benefits to ensure their loyalty to white supremacist capital.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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