Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Mad She Didn’t Get A Pay Raise

Yesterday the democrats in the House blocked a pay raise for Congress. Even the democrats could see what bad optics it would be to give themselves a raise when they aren’t doing jack-squat to address the pressing problems of this nation. And speaking of bad optics, socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is super-pissed that she can’t get her hands on more of our money. She even gave us an ultimatum: either we give her more or she’ll get it from “dark money” special interest lobbyists.

The Hill reports:

House Democrats are pulling a spending bill that would give lawmakers a pay raise for the first time in a decade amid a backlash from swing-district freshmen.

The House is still slated to consider the rest of an appropriations package for other agencies, including the Defense and State departments, but not the section concerning legislative branch operations.

A senior Democratic aide said that consideration of legislative branch spending will remain on hold as lawmakers discuss the pay raise issue.

Close to a dozen vulnerable swing-district Democratic freshmen had submitted or co-sponsored amendments to block the pay raise, underscoring the sensitivity of the issue.

But here’s one democratic freshman who wants more taxpayer money:

Isn’t that cute? She thinks members of Congress are workers. Sorry lady, but you’re management.

After getting scolded about the fact that most people don’t get to vote for their own raises, AOC hit back:

Democratically socialist businesses? Oh, she means failed businesses. I got it. Also, there are no raises in socialism, which she would know if she weren’t such an embarrassing moron.

Members of the House pull down a $174,000 annual salary, which seems like plenty to live on anywhere except where democrats are in charge like NYC, LA, SF, etc..

Plus, prior to being a US Rep. AOC was a bartender and I have to imagine she was making much less. Even accounting for tips, she’s still raking it in compared to her last job. Maybe that’s what she’s angling for here; to work for tips. I’m on board with that, but she’s going to have to improve the service she gives. Being an idiot do-nothing communist is not going to earn her any gratuity on this bill.

And really, that’s what this is about. Since the House took control last January, they haven’t done anything but hold silly hearings to “get” President Trump. They are called “lawmakers” because their job is to make laws. You wanna raise? Do your f*cking job like the rest of us have to.