VILE: Racist Rapper Makes Sick Torture Video Of White Kids In Cages

Barely a day goes by without another reminder of how racism has been mainstreamed on the political left and has become a major plank in the Democratic party platform.

Not only are the Democrats pushing the envelope on anti-white hatred in order to appeal to the critical black demographic in advance of next year’s election but the entertainment industry (if you can call rap entertainment) is poisoning the minds of millions with vile trash that distorts history and promotes violence and mayhem against the white oppressors.

But this is truly sick and don’t expect any of the tech overlords to order their censors to ban it because it is hate speech.

A Chicago-based rapper named Vic Mensa has put out a video that shows white kids being tortured, forced to drink from toilets and tormented in a setting that is a mock-up for Guantanamo Bay prison.

Via The Daily Beast:

The video depicts white children in orange jumpsuits gleefully rejoicing as they’re being tortured and held in cages, with Mensa rapping, “We’ll be living it up, not giving a fuck / Splitting you up, then we put you in cuffs / Then we shipping you off / Yeah, you could get lost at Camp America.”

It ends with a message in white type against a black background: “There are over 13,000 immigrant children in U.S. custody today. What if it was your kid?”

“The song’s lyrics were inspired by ICE director Matthew Albence comparing the immigration detention centers to summer camps,” Mensa tells The Daily Beast. “I thought that was a crazy fucking idea and wanted to create a world with this song that imagined that twisted alternate reality, where it was fun for kids to be held as prisoners, drinking out of toilets, away from their parents, and somehow enjoy it like one might at a summer camp.”

This is some really sick shit and hard to see it as anything even loosely resembling “art” even under the perverted standards of the left. There is a word for garbage this sickening and that is incitement.