Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

It’s only Tuesday but you gotta take your victories where you can get ’em sometimes…

War Kickoff, John Bolton, “Curses! Foiled Again”  

By Ben Garrison,

Last week Trump rejected a war with Iran. It was a great decision.

The Deep State and the military industrial complex along with the central bankers and neocons such as Bolton and Pompeo have been pushing for war.

Trump: “I have some hawks. John Bolton is absolutely a hawk. If it was up to him he’d take on the whole world at one time.“

Even Nancy Pelosi was seen smiling and celebrating after learning a military strike was planned. She knew it meant the end of Trump’s re-election bid. Trump wisely changed his mind about the strike.

Another war—especially against a large and determined country such as Iran—is the last thing America needs. I don’t like the government in Iran either, but it’s not our job to be the world’s policeman. We won’t make America great again by starting more wars.

It’s my fervent hope that President Trump keeps saying no to new wars. Bring the troops home. Tell the central bankers and neocons to pound sand. It’s time to avoid foreign entanglements and put our own house in order.


Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Justice Democrats Are The New Neocons, And Should Be Opposed The Same Way

Via The Federalist

Neocons had little popular constituency but great institutional power. Justice Democrats have little popular constituency but great cultural power. They will fall the same way.

Neoconservatives, who were in many ways the dominant foreign policy manufacturers of the 1970s through the 2000s, never had much of a popular constituency. There were never tens of millions of Americans who identified as neocons, nor is it clear that a whole lot of Americans actually agreed with their philosophy of globally and neverendingly exerting American might.

What they did have was a constituency of institutional power, at times including both political parties. This is what made their preferred policies dominant.

Likewise, it seems unlikely that the Justice Democrats, and their avatar Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, represent the beliefs of many Americans outside of our bluest, farthest left enclaves. They haven’t flipped any districts. But what they do have is an outsized constituency of cultural power. Among those who create and maintain our culture, their beliefs are disproportionally represented, just as the neocons were in the foreign policy establishment.

On the surface, both of these situations appear to be problematic and deeply anti-democratic. If most Americans didn’t think they never saw a bombing they didn’t like, and most Americans don’t believe there are 72 genders, then why should these attitudes become dominant in foreign policy and culture? The answer lies with America itself.

Read the entire article HERE.

IS PETE OVER? After Protesters Confront Buttigieg In South Bend, NBC Panel Declares Him Problematic

Via The Daily Wire

The “Meet the Press” panel took direct aim at South Bend mayor and 2020 Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg Sunday morning, expressing serious doubts that Buttigieg can handle a larger constituency than what he already controls as mayor.

Buttigieg has been in South Bend most of the week, skipping out on a handful of political events in South Carolina and other early primary states in order to handle the fallout from a viral video that shows a white South Bend police officer shooting a black man brandishing a large knife. The video has ignited protests as well as a debate over whether the officer was really faced with a situation that required the use of deadly force.

On Friday, Buttigieg confronted a group of “Black Lives Matter” protesters to try to quell their concerns, but ended up exposing his own weaknesses. Buttigieg couldn’t handle the crowd, read from a prepared statement he held in his hand, and found himself — a progressive — unexpectedly shouldering the blame for what protesters clearly considered a racial incident (though that has yet to be proven).

A video of the confrontation appeared online on Friday evening and shows Buttigieg struggling to handle around 150 protesters, especially after he rightfully admits that its not clear the officer involved in the shooting has a history of racist behavior, as some protesters have claimed.

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Are Race-Hustling Their Way To Election Disaster In 2020

Via Zero Hedge

As the first of 12 presidential debates blows in at mid-week like an evil patch of bad summer weather, twenty candidates vie for the position of Ole Massa on the Democratic Party plantation, and the air is gravid with bad vibes.

One highly-favored entry, Mayor Pete (Buttigieg) of charming South Bend, Indiana, stepped into (and tripped over) a big fresh patty of mule poop over the weekend at a “town hall” meeting that was called to address the June 16 shooting of one Eric Logan, 54, by a police officer dispatched to check out “a suspicious individual going through cars” at 2:30 a.m. The officer said the suspect came at him with a knife. The officer failed to switch on his body-cam, or so the police department said. Conclusions were jumped to. Then, in the wee hours just before Mayor Pete’s June 24 town hall, another black man was killed and 10 other people wounded in the shoot-up of a watering hole called Kelly’s Pub.

The week’s doings left the impression that the Democratic Party has turned into one big race hustle, with reparations for slavery as the centerpiece on the banquet table and recriminations for “white privilege” as the main course. Senator Warren added a gender hustle amuse bouche to the menu over the weekend with demands for “reparations for gay and lesbian couples” who had to file income taxes as individuals in the pre-gay-marriage days.

African Americans comprise about 12.3 percent of the US population and about 4.5 percent “identify as” LGBTetc. The Hispanic demographic is 18.1 percent and the Democratic Party has already got them covered with its official opposition to the immigration laws – though there is evidence that Hispanic US citizen-voters are not uniformly on-board with that pander.

Now the party will be hard put to come up with some goodies for the rest of the US population. But it appears that it has only punishments and persecutions in mind for them.

Read the entire article HERE.

Why the Dems Will Never Win Back Trump Voters

Via The American Spectator

Their cartoonish image of the President’s base dooms them to failure.

It’s an article of faith among Democrats that the President’s base consists primarily of white working class voters without college degrees, and that they must be won back in order to beat Trump in 2020. This is why Elizabeth Warren inflicted that cringe-making, “I’m gonna get me a beer,” video on a long-suffering electorate. It is why Joe Biden, who reputedly enjoys a special rapport with blue collar voters, is the frontrunner for his party’s presidential nomination despite his penchant for gaffes and plagiarism. Thus, during this week’s Democratic debates, the candidates will devote considerable effort to courting the “deplorables.”

This will, however, be an exercise in futility because everything they believe about Trump’s base is false. Their view of this large and growing segment of the electorate is distorted by a myth concocted primarily by the media to explain away a deeply uncomfortable reality — that Trump possessed a better understanding of the public mood than did the professional political class. They were unable to abandon their preconceived notions about Trump and his supporters, despite easily accessible contrary data.

Read the entire article HERE.

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