When we were kids most of us fantasized about defeating bad guys, maybe rescuing the proverbial damsel in distress. Disclaimer: unless it’s one of the women here. Raptor, Sgt Rena, huntersgirl, Lian, Amerigirl, etc., would have handled it themselves. But hell, if you’re like me you still imagine yourself in these sorts of heroic scenarios. Often times you wish that a situation would occur where you could prove your mettle and save the day. A lucky man in Florida got that opportunity last Thursday when an armed thug tried to rob her at an ATM.
NORTH PORT, Fla. (WWSB) – Police in North Port say a woman was trying to get money out of an ATM when a man with a gun approached her. But her boyfriend, seeing the situation unfold, opened fire, striking the robber several times.
It happened shortly before 10:30pm on Thursday. Police say a woman was at the ATM at the Suncoast Credit Union on Aidan Lane while her boyfriend waited in the car.
While she was at the machine, a man police have identified as 19-year-old Ryan Warren of North Port walked up to her carrying a loaded handgun.
Cue up some heroic music here . . .
The woman’s boyfriend, seeing what was happening, got out of the car and shot Warren several times, according to police.

According to the 911 call Warren’s partner in crime made, he was hit at least once in the chest and judging by the screaming and moaning in the background, it sounded like he was in a great deal of pain. 🙂
Those wishing to hear the call can click on the WLBT link above.
Police say Warren got into a waiting vehicle and he and the getaway driver, who officers identified as 25-year-old Eric McKenzie of North Port, fled the scene.
According to police, they learned about the shooting after receiving a 911 call from McKenzie, who had driven less than a mile away to the Goodwill on Tamiami Trail. He reported to police that Warren had been shot multiple times.
Here we have a new variation on the “dindu” defense. Not only did these clowns claim dindu, they tried reverse the situation and blame their would-be victims for the crime! What geniuses these two are.
When officers arrived on scene, they say Warren told them he had been robbed and shot by a white male, but could give no further description. Warren was flown to Sarasota Memorial Hospital’s trauma center.
A short time later, the woman’s boyfriend came to police headquarters to tell officers what happened. Police say Warren’s story about being robbed fell apart after they spoke to the man and his girlfriend, as well as speaking to witnesses, reviewing surveillance video, and speaking again to Warren and McKenzie.
Doh! I guess you dindus really did-du. Jesus, guys. Did you really think your plan would work? “Yeah, the white dude robbed me!” Sure. Just looking at your picture I can tell you couldn’t possibly own anything worth taking . . . at least nothing you didn’t steal from someone else first. You’re about as stupid as a bag of 89 assholes.
Both Warren and McKenzie are facing charges of robbery with a firearm or deadly weapon charges. Police have taken McKenzie to the Sarasota County Jail, while Warren remains at the hospital recovering. Police say he will be processed into the jail when he is healthy enough.
Neither the woman or her boyfriend are being identified by police as they are victims protected under Marsy’s Law.
Since it appears that valorous unidentified boyfriend faces no charges, we can safely assume he had a concealed carry permit. And once again a good guy with a gun prevented a tragedy from happening? But did anyone hear about this on a major news network? Neither did I.