The Big Tech War on Conservatives

by Efraim Shultz


There’s a war going on and it’s heating up.

Conservatives are under attack all over the United States.

If you’re on Fakebook and one of their mods has ever deleted YOUR content from your own page – you’re a victim of Big Tech.  Now we’re not talking about Nazi symbols or ISIS cutting off the heads of Christians.  NO, no.  That’s OK with Fakebook.  When I say ‘content’, I’m talking about your own articulate reasoned debate about, for instance illegal alienswith the Libtard who was your best friend when you were in Elementary school.

If you’ve ever created content for YouTube and YouTube has demonetized you – you’re a victim of Big Tech.

If you’ve been banned or shadow-banned from Twitter for the terrible crime of correctly calling a Man ‘HE, or a Woman ‘SHE’ – Your a victim of Big Tech.

If you post a lot of OP’s (opening paragraphs) on DISQUS and have accrued thousands of ‘likes’ and the San Fran-sicko Libtard I.T. staff of DISQUS unleashes their  down-vote bot on you – you’re a victim of Big Tech.

If you’ve ever had a Gmail account, and Google of their own accord starts to file mail from Conservative Sources into your SPAM folder without your request then you too are a victim of Big Tech.

This attack on Conservative Patriots and pious men and women of faith is unprecedented in the history of our country.

Big Tech has been able to get away with all this crap because they have been hiding behind the ruse that they are PLATFORMS and therefore cannot be sued successfully in court.  However they are Platforms no longer.  They have crossed the line and are now Publishers because they are picking and choosing which speech is ok and which speech is not.


So unless you’re a flaming libtard and embrace perversion by your written speech, you-will-be-punished/squelched by the Big Tech Fascists who view themselves as society’s guardians…

God help us all