Breaking BS: NBC Says Mitch McConnell’s Great Great Grandpa Owned Slaves

It’s hard to imagine this shocking development didn’t come out before now. NBC broke a major story that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s green great grandfather owned slaves. Even better, they are using this information against him because he doesn’t support slave reparations. I can’t wait until they dig up some dirt on President Trump’s great great second cousin twice removed by marriage. Journalism, y’all.

Check out this NBC bombshell:

Sen. Mitch McConnell’s great-great-grandfathers owned 14 slaves, bringing reparations issue close to home

McConnell has opposed paying reparations to descendants of slaves, though census records show his family, like many others, benefited from their labor.

This was such an important story that MSNBC ran with it too:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who said recently he opposes paying government reparations to the descendants of American slaves, has a family history deeply entwined in the issue: Two of his great-great-grandfathers were slave owners, U.S. census records show.

The two great-great-grandfathers, James McConnell and Richard Daley, owned a total of at least 14 slaves in Limestone County, Alabama — all but two of them female, according to the county “Slave Schedules” in the 1850 and 1860 censuses.

Wait, McConnell’s great great grandpappies owned 12 female slaves? I don’t think they were necessarily benefiting from slave labor but perhaps something a little freakier. In fact:

In the 1850 census, his great-great-grandfather Richard Daley owned five female slaves ranging in age from 2 to 22. Four are classified as “mulatto” — a now-offensive term for mixed-race people. Their ages were 2, 4, 18 and 20. One 22-year-old slave was identified as black.

Little is known about the four female slaves listed in the 1860 census who were owned by another of McConnell’s great-great-grandfathers, James McConnell. They are identified in the records only by their ages, which were 1, 3, 4 and 25, and by their race — “mulatto.”

Gee, I wonder how all of those slaves managed to be mixed race? McConnell’s ancestors weren’t running a plantation, it was more of a booty call kind of thing.

The details about McConnell’s ancestors, discovered by NBC News through a search of ancestry and census records, came in the wake of recent hearings on reparations before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Asked about the reparations issue, McConnell, R-Ky., said he was opposed to the idea, arguing it would be hard to figure out whom to compensate.

“I don’t think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago, when none of us currently living are responsible, is a good idea. We’ve tried to deal with our original sin of slavery by fighting a civil war, by passing landmark civil rights legislation. We’ve elected an African American president,” said McConnell.

And what this is really about, besides trying to show that Republicans are racist, is to get McConnell to pony up some cash for reparations:

Slavery experts have stressed that descendants of slave owners should not be held personally responsible for the deeds of their forebears. But they have also argued that the families that descended from slave owners, like McConnell’s, are likely to have benefited from the labor of slaves that propped up farm families in earlier generations — a point made by many reparations supporters, who have said that descendants of slaves were never compensated for the economic benefit their forebears made to white families.

Well shit, if “experts” say this then McConnell must be on the hook for billions in reparations. Cool, now do the democrats. What about all of those democrats who owned way more slaves, had huge plantations, and made laws that kept slavery legal? I wonder why NBC didn’t do any digging into that.

Hell, Bill and Hillary actually owned slaves when they were in the Arkansas governor’s mansion. They’re still alive and rich. Maybe they could give some money the the black people they literally owned.

As it turns out, McConnell’s great great grandfathers weren’t all that good at owning slaves, for whatever purpose:

It appears from the records that most of the McConnell and Daley family slaves managed to run away. The 1860 census slave schedule indicates that prior to the census count, all of James McConnell’s slaves escaped, as did all but one of Daley’s slaves.

This is what the liberal media considers important journalism. They never put any of this effort looking onto Elizabeth Warren’s family history and in fact defended her false claim of Native American Ancestry. They also don’t put this much into exposing the horrible things democrats have done in the current generation.

The awesome thing here is that NBC found a new way to be fake news. It’s not just publishing false stories or omitting facts, fake news can also be be manufactured outrage over irrelevant crap like Mitch McConnell’s great great grandparents.