White Lesbian Soccer Player Hates America And Thinks She Might Be Black

The angry America-hating lesbians of the US Women’s National Soccer Team made it really hard to root for them in the World Cup. They won which is cool I guess, but it is soccer and it is soccer played by women so…meh. Nobody has been more outspoken in her hatred for this country than Meagan Rapinoe who went on CNN to express her disgust for America and she even indicated that she’s black. What? Yeah, apparently she no longer identifies as a white person.

Rapinoe was on Anderson Cooper and continued to turn down an invitation to the White House that President Trump has never extended. The CNN host asked her what message she would give to Trump and it was insane even for an America-hating lesbian man/woman:

“Your message is excluding people. You’re excluding me. You’re excluding people that look like me. You’re excluding people of color,” said Rapinoe.

Okay, the fact that she put “people that look like me” next to “people of color” indicates that Rapinoe thinks that she is a person of color and feels like Trump is excluding her because of her non-whiteness. That’s not true for a couple of reasons, but completely bonkers because Rapinoe is very very white.

Perhaps this was a stream of consciousness type of thing where Rapinoe was stringing together random thoughts, but it still doesn’t make it less crazy. If we assume that she doesn’t think she’s black and feels like Trump is simply excluding people who look like her, what is she talking about? People who look like men? President Trump doesn’t exclude men and in fact has many men in his administration. He also has people of color and members of the LGBT community.

That was bad, but the rest Rapinoe’s message to President Trump was horrifying:

“We need to have a reckoning with the message you have and what you’re saying about ‘Make America Great Again.’ I think you’re harking back to an era when it was not great for everyone. It might have been great for a few people and maybe America is great for a few people now but it’s not great for enough Americans,” said Rapinoe.

Can we assume that Rapinoe believes that America is not a great place for her? I think that’s a safe assumption because she further described this country as, “an oppressive place.”

My thought is, if she hates this country so much, why put on a USA jersey and represent this horrible oppressive place in international competition? I wouldn’t put on a Hillary Clinton jersey and represent her in the World Cup of lying, but then again I have principals.

The thing is, and the USWNST is bitching about equal pay, Rapinoe made over $100,000 for her two weeks in the World Cup. Maybe she should go find another country that she can bad mouth, be a lesbian, and make a shitload of money for playing a sport nobody cares about. I’m sure such a place exists, right?

Rapinoe said she would accept an invitation from Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to visit Congress because they, “believe in the same things we believe in.” That might actually be true. Pelosi and AOC hate America as much as Rapinoe and the rest of US Women’s National Soccer team.