ICE Detention Center Attacker Was An Antifa Terrorist

In the least shocking news of the day, it turns out that leftist lunatic who attacked an ICE detention facility in Tacoma, WA was also a member of the Antifa terrorist organization. I mean, who saw that coming, right? Actually the truly unsurprising news is that the liberal media is completely burying this story. If it has been a white supremacist attacking an abortion clinic, that would be big news, but Antifa trying to firebomb an ICE facility? They won’t touch it with a ten-foot outrage pole.

On Saturday 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen showed up at an ICE detention facility in Tacoma, WA, armed with a rifle and incendiary devices. He threw these devices, described as flares, at the facility, set a car on fire, and was trying to ignite propane tanks when police arrived. His one-man insurrection was quickly put down as officers shot and killed this lunatic.

Fox News reports that before launching his attack Van Spronsen sent a manifesto to several of his friends. Weirdly enough, a guy with a manifesto turned out to be crazy:

Several friends of Van Spronsen said they received a manifesto from him Friday calling the facility “an abomination” and asking “those burdened with the wreckage from my actions” to “make the best use of that burden.”

In the manifesto…Van Spronsen said he wanted to make a statement at the facility.

“I regret that I will miss the rest of the revolution,” he wrote. “Doing what I can to help defend my precious and wondrous people is an experience too rich to describe. I am Antifa.”

And he wasn’t just claiming to be Antifa, he was a member of Seattle Antifascist Action, who memorialized him in the shittiest way possible, with a Facebook post:

Doesn’t it seem like Antifa is calling on its members to commit further acts of violence agains the federal government with this post? They say his death can’t go unanswered and are urging “direct action.” When are these leftist scumbags going to be classified as a terrorist organization? They commit real acts of terrorism, which is the only prerequisite for labeling them as such.

Ironically, Van Spronsen was trying to blow up some people he disagreed with politically which is about the most fascist thing a person could do. Antifa needs to get a new name because clearly they are not opposed to fascism. Maybe they can start calling themselves “Profa” since that would be more accurate.

The news talked with several of Van Sponsen’s friends, one of whom, accused the police of murdering him.

“Yeah, they murdered him and he was probably just standing his ground because that’s what he does,” said Deanne English.

Well, he doesn’t do anything anymore except reflect the current room temperature, but he did show up to a federal facility armed with a rifle and was trying to burn the place to the ground. That wasn’t murder committed by the police, it was a justified use of force. Had he been black, Al Sharpton could have made a case for murder, but whitey doesn’t get that same privilege.

Van Spronsen had been arrested outside the same ICE detention facility last year after he tried to strangle a police office. When he was arrested, he was carrying a knife and a collapsable baton.

The only thing left for this story is when the liberal media tries to pass this Antifa goon off as a white radical right-wing extremist. Think I’m kidding? They did it with the Bernie Bro who shot Rep. Steve Scalise and the other Bernie Bro who stabbed people on a Portland train.