Wapo And NYT Team Up To Declare Apollo Moon Landing Racist And Sexist

Liberals celebrated the 4th of July by branding the American flag a racist symbol of hate so of course they’re going to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing by pointing out how sexist and racist it was. And this isn’t just some liberal lunatic fringe outlet like Salon claiming this but both the Washington Post and The New York Times. Thank goodness for this hard-hitting journalism or we might have thought man landing on the moon was a great human achievement.

The Washington Post editorial board was sitting around thinking of ways to make themselves less credible and this is apparently what they came up with:

Yup, both sexist and racist. Somehow they weren’t able to work homophobic in there.

As NASA worked relentlessly to fulfill John F. Kennedy’s goal of landing a man on the moon by decade’s end, it turned to the nation’s engineers. Many of them were fresh out of school, running the gamut from mechanical to electrical engineers, because that’s mostly what was taught in universities, and almost exclusively to white men.

In archival Apollo 11 photos and footage, it’s a “Where’s Waldo?” exercise to spot a woman or person of color.

“I don’t want to be politically incorrect here, but the workforce, the culture, was white male. In the firing room, we had almost 500 people and we have one female, one black guy and one Hispanic,” says Ike Rigell, 96, chief engineer and deputy director of launch vehicle operations at the Kennedy Space Center in Central Florida. “That was the culture.”

I guess the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the War of 1812, and WWII were also sexist and racist because they were all fought primarily with white man. I can only assume this is WaPo’s attempt to erase the democratic party’s shameless history of racism, by making all history look racist.

Not to be outdone, The New York Times had a similar take on the moon landing, though they left out the racism part:

Somebody actually got paid to write that space has a gender bias.

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, NASA has started Artemis, a program that aims “to return astronauts to the lunar surface by 2024, including the first woman and the next man.”

Although both astronauts have enormous challenges ahead, the first woman will face added hurdles simply because everything in space carries the legacy of Apollo. It was designed by men, for men.

If we do not acknowledge the gender bias of the early space program, it becomes difficult to move past it. One of the most compelling things about NASA is its approach to failure. Failure is not penalized in its culture; it is valued for the things that it can teach to save lives or resources in the future.

What are the lessons to be learned from NASA’s failure to fly women during the Apollo era?

In case you didn’t notice, the NYT just called the Apollo moon landing a failure because there were no women astronauts. In addition, they implied that lives were lost by not having any women on board. Journalism, yo.

It’s a little known fact that JFK actually started the lunar program with all women because he thought “it would be hot to put some chicks on the moon.” Unfortunately, the women couldn’t agree on what moon they wanted to go to and they thought the space suits made them look fat. Eventually Nixon scrapped the female lunar program, replacing them with a mostly white male team. Less than a year later, man walked on the moon.

I can’t wait to se where the liberal media will take this next. Perhaps if the Wright Brothers were the Wright Sisters air travel would be safer today. Maybe if Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, had been a black gay tranny there wouldn’t be so many antibiotic-resistant infections. Being full of shit isn’t just easy, it’s also fun.