Bernie Calls Trump A Racist Liar For Directly Quoting Him

The last thing a leftist wants is anyone using their own words against them. Luckily they have a built-in defense mechanism to deflect all criticism: they simply yell “racist!” and that’s the end of it. Actually, this is how they end every debate they can’t win, but it also works on hypocrisy. Trump directly quoted Bernie Sanders and his response was to call the President a liar and racist. Well played, sir.

If you haven’t seen the news in a few days you missed the biggest liberal freak-out since the last one. Trump rightfully pointed out that Baltimore is a dangerous and filthy place. Despite being a 100% accurate statement, liberals decided this was the most racist thing anyone has ever said, mostly because Trump said it.

As it turns out, socialist kook Bernie Sanders has also said some unflattering but true things about the City of Baltimore.

President Trump then wanted to know why he’s a racist, but Bernie is not:

Luckily Bernie Sanders took some time off pushing socialism to explain this to the President:

Whoa, this is getting confusing. As far as I can tell, Trump is racist because he called Bernie racist for saying the same thing he said that got him labeled racist by liberals. Additionally, Trump is lying by telling the truth about what Bernie said. This is what’s known as liberal logic and that’s to say it’s completely illogical.

Where’s a liberal media fact-check when you need one? What exactly is the lie that Trump has told with this tweet? Bernie did say disparaging things about Baltimore. It’s right there in the tweet he sent and the video of him saying it.

And while we’re on the subject, what has Bernie ever done to improve conditions in Baltimore? Or when has he ever created one job anywhere in the country?

Trump did a hilarious job of pointing out the liberal media double-standard and then Bernie jumped in to confirm it like the commie dope he is. If Trump is racist for saying Baltimore is a shithole, then so too should Bernie be for saying the same thing. Either the left has to apologize to Trump for calling him a racist over this or they gotta jump on Bernie the same way.

I’m just kidding, if liberals weren’t full of shit they’d be empty. Without their glaring hypocrisy and and faux outrage, they wouldn’t be anything. They actually have to bullshit about everything or they cease to exist.

Ultimately Bernie’s response to Trump was, “I know you are, but what am I.” Maybe that flies on the playground between 5-year-olds, but Bernie Sanders is a grown-ass (very old) man who is running for president. On top of ditching the socialism crap, he should make some kind of effort to act like an adult. And an American.