CNN: White Robots Are Racist. Repeat: White Robots Are Racist

In their never-ending quest to destroy all journalistic integrity and public respect, CNN decided to run a story about how white robots are racist. I know, it’s hilarious, but there’s a twist: The robots themselves aren’t racist but rather people who make the robots white are racist. Thanks to liberal hysteria “racism” lost its original meaning long ago and CNN seems intent on urinating on its grave with this nonsense.

Prepare to be amazed. Here’s a real headline from the network that Jim Acosta insists is “real news”:

Robot racism? Yes, says a study showing humans’ biases extend to robots

When you start out a headline asking if robots are racist and then immediately answer affirmatively, you should have your journalism card pulled and forced to work at Dairy Queen.

Have you ever noticed the popularity of white robots?

No, I can’t say that I have. Is this an issue I should be concerned with?

You see them in films like Will Smith’s “I, Robot” and Eve from “Wall-E.” Real-life examples include Honda’s Asimo, UBTECH’s Walker, Boston Dynamics’ Atlas, and even NASA’s Valkyrie robot. All made of shiny white material. And some real-life humanoid robots are modeled after white celebrities, such as Audrey Hepburn and Scarlett Johansson.

The reason for these shades of technological white may be racism, according to new research.

Holy shit! Making white robots is racist? Why don’t the democrats have some kind of expensive do-nothing plan to put an end to this hatred? There should be a white robot ban as part of their Forced Inclusiveness Act of 2019.

But wait, it’s worse than you thought. People are racist against black robots as well:

“Robots And Racism,” a study conducted by the Human Interface Technology Laboratory in New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ) and published by the country’s University of Canterbury, suggests people perceive physically human-like robots to have a race and therefore apply racial stereotypes to white and black robots.

These colors have been found to trigger social cues that determine how humans react to and behave toward other people and also, apparently, robots.

“The bias against black robots is a result of bias against African-Americans,” lead researcher Christoph Bartneck explained to The Next Web. He told CNN, “It is amazing to see how people who had no prior interaction with robots show racial bias towards them.”

Gosh, that is amazing but not nearly as stunning as the idea that we need affirmative action for black robots:

“If robots are supposed to function as teachers, friends, or carers, for instance, then it will be a serious problem if all of these roles are only ever occupied by robots that are racialized as White,” said the researchers.

So we’re going to ditch competent white robots in favor of less qualified black robots? What kind of shit is that?

There’s a pretty good reason why most home appliances are white; because it’s a neutral color that goes with any decor. There’s a pretty good reason why most Apple products are white; it looks clean and efficient. White robots go with anything, look like they get the job done, and don’t come off as evil. Let’s not discount the fact that people are leery of a Terminator-style robot takeover and putting out a bunch of black “death bots”is not going to quell that fear.

The biggest reason why this is the stupidest thing this week is because white people aren’t actually white; they’re a variety of pinks and flesh tones. Also black people aren’t actually black, Native Americans aren’t red, and Asians aren’t yellow. The colors of objects is not the same as the race of people.

White Castle serves hamburgers to people of all races and ethnicities. A white sale isn’t an attempt to make slavery right. White water rafting is open to all people.

If CNN is trying to advance a conversation on race and racism, screaming “robots are racist!” is the wrong way to go about it. Of course CNN isn’t trying to do anything but outrage low-information/low-intelligence liberals with this story. The only thing that puzzles me is why they didn’t try to blame President Trump for robot racism.

A headline like: “Robot racism? Yes and it’s all Trump’s fault,” would have gotten a lot more clicks.