Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain


What’s Really Behind the ‘White Supremacy’ Terrorism Scare

Via American Greatness

The anti-Trump forces, now stripped of their Russian collusion ammunition, have invented another imaginary threat they hope to weaponize against the president: The public menace posed by “white supremacist” terrorism.

Much like the collusion conspiracy theory—which relied on random incidents, fictional villains, unconvincing evidence, and the Bad Orange Man in the White House—there is little substance to this purported danger.

Unironically, the whole ruse is being pushed by the same people who foisted the Russian collusion hoax on the American people for three years in the hopes of prompting President Trump’s impeachment and removal. The political agenda behind this manufactured white supremacy crisis is equally sinister because its specific purpose is to influence and undermine the 2020 elections.

The “white supremacy” canard is intended to further demonize Trump; falsely defame his supporters as white supremacists; and pressure nervous voters into defeating Trump and Republican candidates next year. The strategy is as cynical as it is pernicious.

Let’s clear one thing up before I get into the details: There is no systemic threat posed by white supremacy. Domestic white terrorists are not the same as, let alone worse than ISIS Jihadis. There has been no massive “surge” in white supremacy activity, as I wrote in November. These groups remain fringe, disorganized, and unrespected.

In his Senate testimony last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray was intentionally vague when questioned by Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) about the supposed rise of white supremacy.

“In terms of number of arrests, we have, through the third quarter of this fiscal year, had about, give or take, a hundred arrests in the international terrorism side, which includes the homegrown violent extremists,” Wray explained. “But we’ve also had about the same number, again, don’t quote me to the exact digit, on the domestic terrorism side. And I will say that a majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence but it includes other things as well.”

Some version of what you might call white supremacist violence? Even giving Wray the benefit of the doubt, that means the FBI investigated roughly 50 or so cases of some version of white supremacy. Not exactly solid evidence to justify a law enforcement, political and media war against white supremacy.

But that is precisely what the Left and the NeverTrump Right now are demanding after the horrific mass shooting in El Paso, Texas over the weekend, when an alleged white supremacist murdered at least 22 people at a shopping center; most of the victims are presumed to be Hispanic and law enforcement officials are investigating whether a manifesto posted online was authored by the shooter.

The editors and writers of National Review are comparing the threat of domestic white terrorism with the threat of international Islamic terrorism while blaming Trump for it all. “It’s time to declare war on white-nationalist terrorism,” wrote David French, a NeverTrump promoter of the white supremacy fallacy. “It’s time to be as wide awake about the dangers of online racist radicalization as we are about online jihadist inspiration. And it’s time to reject the public language and rhetoric that excites and inspires racist radicals.”

Read the entire article HERE.

No, White Supremacy Is Not A Crisis

Via The Federalist

As has been highlighted during the Democratic primary, within my lifetime there were U.S. senators who actively and publicly supported segregation. Groups like the Klu Klux Klan not only operated openly, but also often had the tacit support of law enforcement. In those days, white supremacy was not a fringe movement animated by lone wolf gunmen, but a coordinated effort to keep power in the hands of white people.

We don’t live in that world anymore. That is not to say that American society has perfected itself or that racism no longer exists, but it is to say that lunatics like the El Paso shooter with his mindless and bizarre, racist, and eco-fascist manifesto do not represent any rising mass threat. In fact, the increasingly violent and malevolent actions of these kinds of people suggest just the opposite: they are losing badly and they know it.

Thus the fight against white supremacism has morphed from attacking its genuine manifestations to using false accusations of it against political opponents. This was again vividly illustrated yesterday when a raft of Democrats attacked The New York Times for a headline reading “Trump Urges Unity Against Racism.” The president can literally denounce white supremacist racism and have that used as an occasion to call him a white supremacist racist. You can’t make this stuff up. This kind of one-sided politicization of what should be a bipartisan concern destroys the credibility of leaders on the left who claim to care about ending white supremacy, which ultimately undermines that cause.

Read the entire article HERE.

We’re All Enemies of the State: Draconian Laws, Precrime & the Surveillance State

By John W. Whitehead

Terrorist attacks, mass shootings, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters”: the government has been anticipating and preparing for such crises for years now.

It’s all part of the grand plan for total control.

The government’s proposed response to the latest round of mass shootings—red flag gun laws, precrime surveillance, fusion centers, threat assessments, mental health assessments, involuntary confinement—is just more of the same.

These tactics have been employed before, here in the U.S. and elsewhere, by other totalitarian regimes, with devastating results.

It’s a simple enough formula: first, you create fear, then you capitalize on it by seizing power.

For instance, in his remarks on the mass shootings in Texas and Ohio, President Trump promised to give the FBI “whatever they need” to investigate and disrupt hate crimes and domestic terrorism.

Let that sink in a moment.

In a post-9/11 America, Trump’s promise bodes ill for whatever remnants of freedom we have left. With that promise, flippantly delivered without any apparent thought for the Constitution’s prohibitions on such overreach, the president has given the FBI the green light to violate Americans’ civil liberties in every which way.

This is how the Emergency State works, after all.

Although the damage wrought by these power grabs has been most evident in recent presidential administrations—under Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton—the seeds of this present madness were sown, according to Unger, in 1940, when President Roosevelt, the “founding father of modern extraconstitutional presidential war-making, the military-industrial complex, and covert federal surveillance of lawful domestic political activity,” declared a national emergency.

So what does the government’s carefully calibrated response to this current crisis mean for freedom as we know it? Compliance and control.

Read the entire article HERE.

When Idiocy Becomes Hardwired

Via Zero Hedge

At this point, virtually all of us over the age of forty have encountered enough “snowflakes” (those Millennials who have a meltdown if anything they say or believe is challenged) to understand that, increasingly, young people are being systemically coddled to the point that they cannot cope with their “reality” being questioned.

And, today, we’re witnessing the fruits of this upbringing. Tens of millions of Millennials have never learned the concept of humility. They’re often unable to cope with their thoughts and perceptions being questioned and, in fact, often cannot think outside of themselves to understand the thoughts and perceptions of others.

They tend to be offended extremely easily and, worse, don’t know what to do when this occurs. They have such a high perception of their own self-importance that they can’t cope with being confronted, regardless of the validity of the other person’s reasoning. How they feel is far more important than logic or fact.

Hypersensitive vulnerability is a major consequence, but a greater casualty is Truth. Truth has gone from being fundamental to being something “optional” – subjective or relative and of lesser importance than someone being offended or hurt.

Of course, it would be easy to simply fob these young adults off as emotional mutants – spiteful narcissists – who cannot survive school without the school’s provision of safe spaces, cookies, puppies, and hug sessions.

Previous generations of students (my own included) were often intimidated when presented with course books that had titles like Elements of Calculus and Analytic Geometry. But such books had their purpose. They were part of what had to be dealt with in order to be prepared for the adult world of ever-expanding technology.

In addition, it was expected that any student be prepared to learn (at university, if he had not already done so at home), to consider all points of view, including those less palatable. In debating classes, he’d be expected to take any side of any argument and argue it as best he could.

In large measure, these requirements have disappeared from institutions of higher learning, and in their place, colleges provide colouring books, Play-Doh, and cry closets.

At the same time as a generation of “snowflakes” is being created, the same jurisdictions that are most prominently creating them (the above-mentioned EU, US, Canada, etc.) are facing, not just a generation of young adults who have a meltdown when challenged in some small way. They’re facing an international economic and political meltdown of epic proportions.

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Are the Ones Who Have Been Inciting Violence against Their Political Opponents

Via The American Thinker

The language of physical aggression is bellowed loud and clear from the political, cultural, journalistic, and academic classes of the Left. These aren’t vague, ambiguous slips of the tongue that can be explained away by context or poor phrasing. There is no dog whistling here. These are direct calls to violence. And this violence is being encouraged not by fringe lunatics who show up at baseball games to shoot congressmembers, but whom Dougherty refers to as the “political class.” Many of these examples were uttered when John Boehner, Mitt Romney, and John McCain were the face of the Republican Party, long before Trump rode down that escalator to declare his candidacy.

These threats are voiced by people who won’t throw the Molotov cocktails themselves but expect the friskier elements of their base to take the hints and do so. And they indeed do so, with relish and increasing brazenness. The growing violence on our campuses and in our streets is almost exclusively leftist and is a direct result of the green light being given to them by their leaders.

Read the entire article HERE.

Manufacturing Racial Anxiety to Blame the President

Via American Greatness

Democrats and their enablers in the media used to blame the widespread availability of guns for mass shootings. After El Paso they have a new villain: They blame President Trump.

Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Beto O’Rourke, and a host of other 2020 Democrats as well as the cable “news” barkers have all declared, as a matter of fact, variations on the theme. “President Trump’s racist rhetoric demonizes minorities and causes white supremacist terrorists to commit murder,” they insist.

This “guns don’t kill people, President Trump’s words kill people” narrative has even been given a pseudoscientific name: stochastic terrorism.

It’s defined as “the use of mass communications to stir up random lone wolves to carry out violent or terrorist acts that are statistically predictable but individually unpredictable.”

The way CNN used “stochastic terrorism” to drive its El Paso coverage narrative, you would think counterterrorism operatives or FBI profilers developed this concept.

But you would be wrong. “Stochastic terrorism” is the brainchild of G2Geek, an anonymous DailyKos blogger and conspiracy theorist who compares ICE detention facilities to concentration camps and says of our immigration policy, “The adjective ‘Hitlerian’ is not too strong.”

Of course, such dubious parentage did not stop CNN from grabbing the baby and running with it.

But if you take a close look at the concept of “stochastic terrorism” what you find is less than meets the eye, a rhetorical sleight of hand employing the fallacies of post hoc ergo propter hoc and correlation equals causation to reverse engineer a sought-after conclusion: Orange Man Bad.

Read the entire article HERE.

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