The bad guys must vacationing on Jeffery Epstein’s Pedo Island or something because there’s just been a dearth of thugs for cops to shoot as of late. As a result, I’m sure most of you, like myself, have slipped into a deep depression. Cheer up, you blood-thirsty deplorables, because our LEOs are back in the lead slinging business!
‘Deputy’s actions justified’: Body cam shows shootout between deputy and kidnapper
BURKE COUNTY, GA (WRDW/WAGT) — A deputy in Burke County is being called a hero after being involved in a fatal shootout with a kidnapping suspect.
The Burke County Sheriff’s Office commended Deputy Eric Madison for saving the victim’s life.

Deputies say Fredrick Hadden kidnapped his ex-wife Saturday and forced her into her car at gunpoint. We received body cam video of the shootout. You’ll see this is a case of shoot or be shot.
An outside investigation team found no violation of the law for the Burke County Deputy. Investigators say his actions were justified and now we have the body camera that shows it all.
“No police officer that I have ever met in my entire 20 something plus year career wants to shoot somebody,” Chief Deputy Lewis Blanchard said.
That would change if I was hired onto his force. I’m of the opinion some scumbags just need to die, but that’s just me. I mean just look at this creepy Uncle Fester wanna-be who kidnapped his ex. His ugly thug-mug is just screaming, “SHOOT ME!”

But sometimes, Blanchard says a deputy has no choice, and this body camera proves it. Not even a second after opening his door, Madison had to open fire.
“When you pull up into a situation and you are actively being shot at there is no opportunity for anything else other than to return fire to stop the threat,” Blanchard said.
As much love as I have for Chief Deputy Lewis, that statement simply isn’t true. Snowflakes would have plenty of opportunity to do other things in such a situation: Piss themselves, crap their pants, run away screaming for help, etc. Fortunately, this deputy was no snowflake.
Let’s rewind to the beginning. The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office sent out a BOLO for Hadden after family reported it.
“And in that information it included a description of the vehicle and a bumper sticker that the vehicle had,” Blanchard said.
Burke county got a heads up the kidnapper may be headed their way, towards family he had in Keysville.
“Our deputy was out proactively patrolling and passed the vehicle, looked in his rear view mirror and saw the bumper sticker and immediately turned around and started calling for back up,” Blanchard said.
You can see from the body cam as Madison follows the car. He says the suspect pulled into a driveway belonging to family. What happens next, happens fast.
“As soon as our Deputy is pulling into the driveway the victim, the young lady, is running from the vehicle as the suspect is shooting at her,” Blanchard said.
She was hit twice as she ran to hide behind the patrol car. Then the suspect turned the gun on Madison.
“And then our deputy takes fire, striking his vehicle, as he returns fire striking the subject until the threat is stopped,” Blanchard said.
Sounds pretty exciting, no? It is. But I have good news and bad news. The good news is there is no blurring of Uncle Fester as the deputy empties his magazine and the rounds impact Fester’s worthless carcass, so we can watch him twist and writhe in agony before he expires. The bad news is there’s no sound. So I guess I’ll have to write in some dialogue of how I think this went down.
Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!
Fester: Oh, my balls! You shot me in the nuts, Goddammit! Oh shit, that hurts!
Pew! Pew! Pew!
Fester: OooooOOOh! My ass! My ass!
Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!
Fester: Guuurrrgle, garg, glug! (As rounds now hit his vital organs. Then he slowly expires with a gigantic rasping fart).
At least that’s what I get out of the video. Watch it and provide your own dialogue if you feel so inclined.
Blanchard says Deputy Madison handled himself the way he was supposed to.
“We’re not going to tolerate that type of activity in our county and we will do whatever it takes to stop it.”
After back up showed up, deputies treated the female victim for her two gunshot wounds. The victim is stable and still in a hospital recovering.
And yet another happy ending for ‘Body Cam Theater.’ Cop was justified, the victim lives, and thug died. What more can you ask for?