Democrat Sells Open Borders To Rich People With Reminder That Illegal Aliens Mow Lawns

It would be racist if a Republican said it, but luckily for NJ Rep. Tom Malinowski he’s a democrat and can say anything he wants. In this case he suggested that all undocumented immigrants are low-wage landscaping dirt-bags. It’s okay because he was using this as a selling point for his party’s open borders policy by reminding rich people that without illegal aliens they might have to pay more to have their lawns mowed or *gasp* do it themselves.

Malinowski held a fundraiser in the wealthy New Jersey suburb of Hillsborough. He wanted to reassure the rich folks that there are some serious benefits to open borders, abolishing ICE, and amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens.

“There are a lot of jobs in our community, that like it or not, for better or for worse, Americans are not willing to take,” Malinowski said.

That was the set-up and here was the knock-down:

“Who do you think is mowing our beautiful lawns in Somerset County? We don’t usually ask, but a lot of those workers are undocumented. There are just not a lot of kids who, sorry, from Montgomery High, who are going to be doing that full time. You guys are going into robotics, for goodness’ sake,” said Malinowski.

This is a perfect example of liberal logic: Rich teenagers won’t mow lawns so therefore we should stop enforcing our immigration laws and flood this country with third-world scumbags.

Obviously it doesn’t matter to Malinowski or these rich people that illegal aliens aren’t going to be living in their neighborhoods. Their children won’t be in schools with a bunch of kids who don’t speak English and haven’t had any immunization shots. Their streets won’t be subjected to gang violence and filth.

What Malinowski is telling these rich assholes is that it’s okay if illegal immigration destroys working class communities because the elites will get cheap labor to maintain their estates.

I don’t actually think it’s racist to say illegal aliens are landscapers, mostly because it’s true and as a conservative I understand that it’s impossible for the the truth to be racist. Liberals on the other hand faint at any generalization of “marginalized” people and think it’s the worst kind of racism there is.

Naturally they make exceptions when it’s one of their own doing the generalizing.

Back in 2014 then-president Obama was pitching his Amnesty plan by calling all Hispanic immigrants “fruit-pickers.”

“Are we a nation that tolerates the hypocrisy of a system where workers who pick our fruit and make our beds never have a chance to get right with the law?” Obama said.

Obviously no democrats were offended by this, but imagine if Donald Trump called illegal alien fruit-pickers and bed-makers. Liberals still haven’t gotten over that time Trump said some illegal aliens from Mexico are rapists and drug dealers. Not all illegal aliens pick fruit, but some of them are rapists. Somehow Trump is racist for speaking the truth but Obama is not for perpetuating a stereotype. That’s how liberalism works.

The hypocrisy runs deeper on this because democrats push a “living wage” for unskilled and menial labor, with the exception of illegal aliens who take care of their stately manors. Someone who flips burgers for a living should make a six-figure income, have a 401K, and get paid family leave, but illegal aliens should mow rich liberals’ laws for salve wages.

The illegal alien voting bloc is important to democrats winning seats and eventually these people are going to demand the same socialist crap liberals promise to Americans. Then who is going to mow the lawns of wealthy liberal assholes?