Oh No Joe! Senile Biden Blames White People For Racism

There he goes again! In what appears to be a bizarre attempt to sabotage his own presidential bid, Joe Biden has attacked the very demographic that he was supposed to help Democrats appeal to.

If there is a date that may eventually be chiseled into the tombstone of lunchbucket Joe’s floundering campaign, it will be August 27, 2019, which is the day when the human gaffe machine blamed white people for racism.

It was the cherry on top of the poop cake of Biden’s lamentable summer when during a chat with reporters, he may have finally alienated swing voters who still held out hope that he was different than the race-baiting fanatics.

But that is exactly what the clearly senile former vice president did when he inveighed against white people who he blamed for all of the nation’s racial ills in this sad time of pitting Americans against each other for purely cynical political reasons.

Via The Associated Press, “Biden: Racism in US is institutional, ‘white man’s problem’”:

Racism in America is an institutional “white man’s problem visited on people of color,” Vice President Joe Biden said, arguing that the way to attack the issue is to defeat President Donald Trump and hold him responsible for deepening the nation’s racial divide.

Biden is leading his Democratic challengers for the presidential nomination in almost all polls, largely because of the support of black voters. He has made appealing to them central to his candidacy and vowed to make maximizing black and Latino turnout an “overwhelming focus” of his effort. The interview, more than an hour long, focused largely on racial issues.

“White folks are the reason we have institutional racism,” Biden said. “There has always been racism in America. White supremacists have always existed, they still exist.” He added later that in his administration, it would “not be tolerated.”

Outside of the lying media and the even more dishonest Dems who blamed Russia, it is widely accepted that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election due to her snubbing of white working-class voters who were the decisive factor in President Trump’s upset victory.

When the haughty Mrs. Clinton and the geniuses who ran her doomed campaign deliberately chose to ignore the Rust Belt states despite Bernie Sanders’ strong performance in the primaries with an economic message similar to Trump, she sealed her fate.

Clinton and smug Democrats then watched in horror as the “Blue Wall” came tumbling down and Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio became the killing fields for her historic candidacy as white voters who went for Obama, backed Trump.

It was because of these “Trump Democrats” that Biden was so strongly promoted as the man best suited for a heartfelt appeal that could bring them back into the Dem camp but thanks to his SJW advisers and his own mental decline, he now appears to have blown it.

The Federalist puts it in perspective at what Biden’s advisers have done by force-feeding the potent brew of SJW anti-white resentment to the doddering old fool with the mistaken idea that he can keep up with them.

Via The Federalist:

If Biden is not the realist who will speak truth to leftist power in the party, then what makes him a better choice for moderates than Warren and Sanders, who do draw a lot of water in far-left circles? If he’s going to mirror them, then why not just vote for them?

Is it possible for Biden to pivot back to the center? Maybe, but it won’t be easy. The progressive Kool-Aid leaves stains that don’t come out. And we may have reached the point where Biden is losing more moderate Democrats than his candidacy can afford.

Now that the “electable” candidate is indistinguishable from anti-white demagogues like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and incredibly Beto O’Rourke, it could be that Biden just pulled the pin on the grenade that will blow himself up. 

When even the self-proclaimed working-class hero Joe Biden is accusing white people of being a back of rabid racists and white supremacists it is clear that the party of JFK and FDR is now the party of Louis Farrakhan.

Once this buffoon is no longer a factor it will be impossible for the Democrats to pretend that they are not a radicalized, racist entity masquerading as a legitimate political party.