Beto O’Rourke Is Going To Force The Rich To Live With The Poor

So far Beto O’Rourke’s campaign has been light on the policy specifics and heavy on him pretending to be complex and deep. There’s actually a pretty good reason for that because his ideas are terrible, even to liberals. The slacker doofus democratic presidential candidate talked about a plan he has to force rich people to live next to poor people. He obviously doesn’t understand how much rich liberal elitists despise the poor, but he’s about to find out. Stick a fork in him, he’s done.

This is what it looks like when a presidential campaign comes to an end:

“Here’s a tough thing to talk about though we must. Rich people are going to have to allow — or be forced to allow — lower income people to live near them. Which is what we fail to do in this country right now,” said O’Rourke.

Forced to allow? That’s a new one.

“We force lower income working Americans to drive 1, 2, 3 hours in either direction to get to their jobs. Very often minimum wage jobs that they’re working 2 or 3 of them right now,” O’Rourke said.

We don’t force anyone to work or commute anywhere. People in this country are free to work and live wherever they want. I’m not sure this clown knows what the word “force” means. Also, nobody, and I mean nobody, is driving 3 hours each way for a minimum wage job.

“What if, as we propose to do, we invested in housing that was closer to where you work. Very often mixed income housing meaning the very wealthiest are living next to those who are not the very wealthiest in this country,” said O’Rourke.

Yeah, what if? What if the government tried to build low-income housing projects right smack-dab in the middle of wealthy neighborhoods? The first thing is, the rich people would stop it from ever happening. They’d lawyer-up and use zoning regulations and lawsuits to bog the projects down for as long as possible.

Just for fun, let’s pretend that somehow these low-income housing units were able to be built in rich neighborhoods, the rich would simply move somewhere else and then those formerly swanky neighborhoods would become slums.

Don’t underestimate how little the rich want to be living near poor people. Do you think Nancy Pelosi is going to let a 30-unit building full of scumbags go up next to her mansion? Not a chance.

Then there’s the problem with the government’s authority to do such a thing. O’Rourke claims that living close to where you work is a right, but it’s not. If by some miracle Beto became president, he would not have the power to force rich people to live with poor people. “Crushing freewill” is not one of the Constitution powers afforded the POTUS.

And, who’s going to pay for this? The government would spend billions of dollars just fighting the wealthy to get these projects off the ground. Then they’d have to spend billions more acquiring property in the highest real estate markets in the country. Finally, it would be billions more to begin constructing these low-income housing units. Since this would apparently be happening all across the country, let’s assume the final price tag for ruining every rich neighborhood would be in the trillions.

Like I said, this spells the official end of Beto O’Rourke’s presidential campaign because no rich liberal will continue to support him. They like plans that only affect others, like open borders and gun control. When you start talking about filling their neighborhoods with poor people, they freak out. Remember when President Trump threatened to release illegal aliens in sanctuary cities? Poor people next door is even more unforgivable.