Andrew Yang Pushes ‘Cow Fart Tax’ To Make Beef Unaffordable For Regular People

Make no mistake about this: punitive taxes only hurt those who can’t afford them. Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is promoting a “cow fart tax” that he hopes would make beef so expensive that people would stop eating it. Rich people will still get to eat steak under this ridiculous plan, but normal folks will be priced out of the cheeseburger market and have to eat Soylent Green, which is actually made out of poor people. Also, a democrat is seriously proposing a cow fart tax.

Just a couple weeks after CNN held a global warming town hall with democrats that nobody watched, MSNBC did the same thing because they apparently don’t care if anyone tunes in. When it was Andrew Yang’s turn to be full of crap, he was asked what he would do to eliminate the cattle industry. The correct answer is “nothing” but Yang went a different way.

He started off by saying that cows are big contributor to global warming and that he, “would want to modify American’s diets.”

And how does he intend to make sure Americans eat less beef? Well, this:

“You’d want those cattle producers to internalize the cost of emissions,” Yang said.

Dude, that’s a cow fart tax. He can put it any way he wants, but he just called for the cattle producers to pay for the emissions of cows and that’s a fart tax.

The reason for this cow fart tax is:

“So what that would naturally do, and some people are going to hate this, but it would probably make those products more expensive,” said Yang adding, “And that is appropriate.”

And just in case you aren’t getting what Yang is hoping to do:

“If you were to make it more expensive, then you would end up changing consumption patterns,” Yang said.

In a nutshell: tax the hell out of cow farts to make beef so expensive that it’s out of reach for regular people.

To compound the insanity, here’s another thing Yang intends to do away with:

Yup, in addition to no meat, Yang says no cars.

Back in 1928, Republicans ran with the message of, “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.“ In 2020, democrats are running with the message of, “no meat in any pot and no cars in any garages.” These people are insane.

Also, and I just can’t let this go: Yang is proposing to tax cow farts. It almost doesn’t matter why, because he wants to make people pay actual money to the government based on bovine flatulence, which is unironically utter bullshit.

Here’s some advice for the 2020 dems that they will completely ignore: You do not get elected President of the United States by hating on America and trying to destroy it. You don’t win a U.S. presidential election by trying to replace capitalism with communism. You don’t win anything, let alone the White House, by telling people they can’t eat meat or own a car.