Here’s a bit of transgender morning sickness for you. See, that’s a joke because a male to female transgender can’t get pregnant, so can’t have morning sickness. Ha ha. 😉
Regardless, it IS morning and this IS sick. Anyway, I guess they take things quite literally in White Station. It was homecoming. This normally requires the selection of a king and queen to preside over the festivities. Enter one Brandon Allen who was elected by the students to be “royalty.” And while there is no mention of whether this deranged individual was selected as the king, the queen, or just a member of the court, I’m going with queen because look at what the hell he wore at his coronation.
New White Station Homecoming Royalty turns heads
Indeed. After reading this and seeing the pictures, my head immediately turned towards a bucket so I could throw up without getting any of the vile mess on the floor.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A new face is representing White Station High School as homecoming royalty.
Brandon Allen was crowned Friday night during White Station’s game against Bartlett, the school announced on Facebook in a post that’s been shared hundreds of times.

Yeah, that’s definitely a queen if I’ve ever seen one. Disregarding the dress for a moment, can you ever recall a king’s crown that looks like that? Nice tiara, queerdo. The woman at left seems to be the only one pictured that’s having an appropriate reaction. “WTF?!?!”
Allen’s crowning raised some eyebrows because he chose to wear a dress for the big moment. Some comments on the school’s Facebook page were critical, but most were supportive and offered congratulations.
Eye brow raising is fine. On the other hand, just promise me he won’t lift his skirt.
White Station Principal Carrye Holland commented on the matter saying, “Here’s the thing: it’s Brandon’s right to run for homecoming court under Title IX. It’s the students’ choice of who they want to support as homecoming royalty. I’m exceedingly proud to be the principal of our amazing school. … WSHS loves and supports everyone regardless of who they are or what they believe. Thank you for the love and light from so many of you.”
Translation: “I’m so proud that the brainwashing I have directly presided over at our liberal indoctrination center has been so effective.”
SCS Superintendent Joris Ray [or is it really spelled Josef Stalin?] responded on Twitter Saturday night:
“Shelby County Schools policy prohibits discrimination, and the District is committed to ensuring a positive and respectful school environment where everyone is treated with dignity. Homecoming queen and king is a tradition based 100 percent on student votes. As Superintendent, I support student voice and expression.”
Translation: “Excellent work, comrades. We at the Kremlin are extremely pleased. We our efforts to undermine the moral fabric of the United States which we hate so much, are succeeding beyond our wildest dreams. We must keep fighting and soon the country will crumble and we can rule it under our ultra-left iron fist for decades to come!”
Whatever. Long live the ugliest queen I ever saw.
The sickness from the left never abates.