Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain


Faux News

By Ben Garrison

I watched Trump’s press conference the other day and he vigorously put an end to the grandstanding by reporters who wanted to endlessly harass him about a non-existing event.

The president was doing his job when he asked the Ukrainian president about preventing corruption, but the Democrats and their media continue to lie. They are probably worried that further investigations into Ukraine might reveal just how corrupt Joe Biden is as well as Adam Schiff’s involvement in the scandal. Obama and even Mitt Romney could be implicated as well.

I watched a bit of Fox News after the conference and I was surprised that Sheppard Smith trashed the president. I thought I was watching CNN for a moment. So I decided to draw this cartoon.

Fox already hired Donna Brazile, who has called for Trump’s impeachment to ‘save our democracy.’ Judge Andrew Napolitano, whom I once greatly admired, continues his backstabbing against a president he once supported.

The so-called mainstream media may as well be the Democrat media. They repeat the same assigned catchphrases and talking points and they’re all aligned in trying to take down a president who is only trying to do his job. Even The Drudge Report has turned critical lately.

One has to wonder if the Deep State is working overtime to make sure all major media arms march in lockstep against President Trump. They’re already doing their best to remove conservative voices from the Internet. In this manner they hope to try again to rig the election and get one of their own elected. It will probably be Hillary, who is the Rigger in Chief.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Rashida Tlaib: Democrats Exploring Ways to Arrest Trump Cabinet Members

Via Breitbart

Far-left “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) told constituents on Tuesday that her Democrat colleagues are looking into how to arrest White House officials who refuse to comply with subpoenas as part of an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.

Speaking to her constituents at a town hall in her hometown of Detriot, Tlaib said Democrats are puzzled about how to arrest Cabinet secretaries, telling voters in a video captured by America Rising PAC that they could be taken into custody if Congress votes to hold them in contempt.

“This is the first time we’ve ever had a situation like this,” said Tlaib. “So they’re trying to figure out, no joke, is it the D.C. police that goes and gets them? We don’t know. Where do we hold them?”

House Democrats are in “uncharted territory” and “trying to tread carefully,” the Michigan Democrat went on.

“I will tell them they can hold all those people right here in Detroit,” she quipped “We’ll take care of them and make sure they show up to the committee hearings.”

Tlaib’s comments came after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrote a blistering letter to Congress in which he declared that House Democrats are attempting to “intimidate” and “bully” State Department officials with subpoenas seeking their testimony.

Read the entire article HERE.

Harris’ Crusade To Kick Trump Off Twitter Is Emblematic Of Larger Problem

Via The Federalist

2020 Democratic White House hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris of California sent an open letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey demanding the social media executive suspend President Donald Trump from the platform.

In the letter sent to the CEO Tuesday, Harris argues Trump violated Twitter’s rules in six tweets sent out Friday, which she says incite threats of violence, particularly to those who supplied information to an anonymous whistleblower whose complaint has prompted calls for impeachment. The letter also cited Trump’s tweet quoting a Fox News regular speculating about the possibility of a civil war-like division if Trump were to be forcibly removed from office.

“Twitter’s user agreement specifically states that users ‘may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so,’ which includes ‘violence against an individual or a group of people,’” Harris wrote to Dorsey. “Furthermore, the agreement states that the platform considers abusive behavior as ‘an attempt to harass, intimidate, or silence someone else’s voice,’ and that it prohibits the ‘glorification of violence.’”

Harris’ demands that Dorsey block the president’s Twitter account, however, illustrate a growing problem of the left wherein the solution to political discourse is simply to shut down the voices of political opposition.

Read the entire article HERE.

Eastwood’s ‘Richard Jewell’ Punches Fake News in the Nose

Via Hollywood In Toto

The trailer for the Oscar legend’s newest film shows how the media, and false narratives, make a mockery of the truth.

We’ve been wallowing in Fake News long before Donald Trump descended from an escalator to start his presidential campaign.

Media bias is part of the modern news culture. It ‘roided up after reporters felt it was their mission to remove a sitting president, facts be damned.

And Clint Eastwood knows it.

You don’t get to be a movie star for decades, and decades, without a keen sense of the American people. Could that explain why the Hollywood legend is delivering a full-on assault on Fake News at this particular moment?

The Oscar winner’s upcoming film, “Richard Jewell,” does more than show a man wrongly accused of a horrific crime.

The film’s first trailer delivers a smackdown on how the modern media operates.

Read the entire article HERE.

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