BB guns are inherently dangerous as we were taught by the 1983 classic, ‘A Christmas Story.’ The warning that the star of today’s episode should have heeded was, “You’ll shoot your eye out!” Truer words were never spoken.

And in the remote possibility that you defy the odds and escape this self-inflicted wound, a police officer will do it for you, as happened in Albuquerque in August in this just released body cam footage.
Body cam footage shows the horrifying moment Albuquerque cops shoot dead a man, 57, as he reached for a BB gun
Body cam footage shows the moment an Albuquerque man was shot dead by police as he reached for a BB gun.
Roger Schafer, 57, was killed by a round of gunfire in August after police responded to multiple 911 calls reporting him waving a gun around at a busy bus stop.

The body cam footage shows officers repeatedly ordering Schafer to put his hands up and away from his waistband. Schafer begins spewing curses at the officers.
Along with owning a BB gun it’s almost never a good idea to tell police pointing guns at you and giving you commands to, “Go fuck themselves.”
It’s also a very bad decision to do precisely what they told you NOT to do. He was warned that if he put his hands near his waistband force would be used against him. But did he listen?
Most of the videos of this shooting blur out the suspect, but once again I have scoured the internet to bring you an unedited version in living (or dying) color!
He pushes himself from the ground onto a bench and as he reaches toward the front of his pants, officers open fire, killing him instantly.
It certainly appears that perhaps they did shoot his eye out based on the way his head violently snaps back at the 1:17 mark.
Schafer was at Eubank boulevard and Cooper Avenue pointing a gun at people and traffic, reports show.
One caller told a 911 dispatcher: ‘There is a man on the corner of Copper and Eubank in front of the Payless Shoe Store sitting at the bus stop seat bench. I am driving to work, he’s waving a gun around.’
After the shooting officers found that the 9mm handgun was actually a BB gun.
‘It was a heavily populated area. We have a Walmart in the area with people going in and out of that Walmart, that parking lot was full of vehicles,’ said an officer with the Albuquerque Police Department.
But before his death, Schafer was no stranger to the law.
In May 2019, he was arrested for an assault on a police officer while wielding a hatchet.
‘Right as he was leaving, he walked by, like, waved the ax at us,’ said one witness at the time.
So there’s the ax thing. But he’d also been flirting with optic damage for at least three years because of his fondness of that dreaded weapon that is the BB gun.
In 2016, he was arrested for drinking in public and in 2018 he was arrested for shooting at a business with a BB gun.
Suicide by cop? Maybe. Maybe not. The thug was obviously homeless and either mentally ill, extremely intoxicated, or both. Maybe in his befuddled mind [©Slider ;)] he thought he could actually take on multiple heavily armed cops with a few well placed tiny spheres of steel.
He thought wrong.
I almost forgot. There will be no riots or protests due to the color of the thug’s skin, so please put away your Molotov cocktails, etc. for later use.