Red (as in Communist) Elizabeth Warren Says Illegal Transgenders Must be Released into the United States

Another day, more liberal bullshit. They contradict themselves so often it can easily make one’s head spin like Linda Blair in ‘The Exorcist.’ It’s almost Halloween, I went with the spooky analogy there. 🙂

Anyway, Fauxcahontas thinks that illegal alien trannies must be released into our country because they are treated so horribly by those in their native countries.

Ooooooooooookay. But if we’re to believe the liberal narrative, is there any other place on earth that treats transgenders worse than we do? I ask because just last September I wrote about how the New York Times and the AMA had declared an “epidemic” of tranny homicides.  That epidemic meaning 18 have been murdered. So let’s take those false claims at face value. The U.S. sucks. We murder trannies by the bushel!

So why would the squaw want this? I mean, after all that IS the liberal narrative.

Via Breitbart 

Elizabeth Warren: Transgender Border Crossers ‘Must’ Be Released into U.S.

Warren, with Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) where she demands that transgender border crossers and illegal aliens be released into the U.S. rather than being held in Mexico under President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy.

“While in detention, transgender migrants and asylum seekers are particularly vulnerable to sexual harassment, discrimination, and abuse,” Warren writes in the letter. “The United States should protect individuals fleeing persecution and targeted violence, including persecution based on gender identity or expression — not subject them to further harm.”

Terrific idea, Chief Cunt! According to your side, transgenders are tormented, beaten, and even killed here in astonishing numbers. So why would releasing them here make anything better for them?

“Trans migrants and asylum seekers are particularly vulnerable,” Warren wrote on Twitter. “We must end unnecessary detention and enforce strict standards to keep trans migrants and asylum seekers safe — and I’ll continue holding our government accountable when they fail to do so.”

But according to your beloved New York Times, they’d be treated far worse here. So I’ll continue to hold you accountable when they are harmed here for insisting that they be released into such an insipid country.

The demand for transgender border crossers to be released into the U.S. interior is the latest case Warren has made for open borders while on the campaign trail.

Most recently, Warren outlined a plan to provide back pay to all illegal aliens who are determined to have been underpaid or unpaid for previous work, Breitbart News reported. Likewise, Warren has said that border crossers must not be “unnecessarily” detained and instead freed into the interior of the U.S. and has claimed that driving up foreign competition in the labor market by providing amnesty to 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens is “good” for American workers.

Yeah, it’s so good for those of us CITIZENS who for instance, like myself, paid thousands of dollars and worked hard to attend top rated culinary schools only to find out no one wants to hire you because they can underpay some wetback to do the same job for less.

Though Warren has taken a populist-nationalist stance on various economic policies, her plan to support more immigration to the U.S. is a key component of the globalist agenda supported by the nation’s donor class.

Should you win the nomination, The Orange Man will beat you into the red communist pulp that you are.

“Release all transgenders.” Yeah, right. What are you horny and desperate for some cheap transgender prostitute action? Fuck you Lizzie. Stick to your dildo. It’s probably made in China so you can rest assured you will therefore be supporting communism anyway.

By the way, does it have feathers on it? Maybe a bear claw or two? Faking Indian status for personal gain and personal pleasure? For shame.