Things That Are Inevitable; Death, Taxes And Hillary Clinton 2020

The bitch is back…

It has probably always been inevitable for an obsessed sore loser but Hillary Clinton is getting ready to launch another run for the White House.

The conniving Hillary has laid back in the weeds watching the rest of the 2020 Democrat field prove to the nation that they are all too crazy to be president and the smart money is on Clinton to swoop in to “rescue” the party early next year.

One can only imagine hateful Hillary cackling with glee over every misstep by the current crop of clowns who are regularly given a national television forum to embarrass themselves. She is watching with the bloodlust of a serial predator who will toy with her prey before taking them out.

She has been appearing in the media recently as an advocate for President Trump’s impeachment (she is terrified of a rematch) and putting Tulsi Gabbard on warning by insinuating that she is Putin’s puppet.

One of those who is on record as predicting the “queen of warmongers” and “embodiment of corruption” will be running again is Fox News host Tucker Carlson.


The Tuck eleborated on his prediction in his column for Fox News, “Tucker Carlson: Who is going to beat Trump? Some Dems are starting to think it could be Hillary Clinton”:

For about 10 minutes after her general election defeat three years ago, Hillary Clinton appeared to retreat into contemplative seclusion.

She wandered around the woods near her home in Chappaqua, N.Y. looking a little lost. Now, some people made fun of her for doing that, but in fact, it was a promising start. Humiliation can be the beginning of wisdom — as those of us who’ve been fired in public can tell you.

But the period didn’t last long. Before long, Hillary was back on the road — for years — like the circus. So many cities, so many excuses.


Despite what you may have heard, she didn’t really lose the 2016 election at all. She won it. She is the real president right now! This is her re-election campaign.

So, as recently as a few months ago, even her fellow Democrats would have laughed, privately, at that idea. They would have mocked it as delusional. Not anymore.

Now, some of them are taking Hillary more seriously than they have in a long time. An article in Tuesday’s New York Times describes growing panic among Democratic donors. Joe Biden suddenly looks weak and incapable. Much of the rest of the field clearly is too extreme to win a national election.

POLL: Should Crooked Hillary Be Tossed In Jail?

The pieces on the chessboard are already in place for Queen Hillary to kick over the table and the same corrupt media that prematurely coronated her in 2016 will cast rose petals before her feet all the way to Milwaukee.

There was actually a brief period when it looked as though Hillary would be on the outside looking in but things can change in a hurry.

Hillary’s road was cleared after billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found mysteriously dead in his high-security jail cell which had the champagne corks popping at the Clinton compound in Chautauqua, therefore, ensuring that dead men tell no tales.

Carlson also hosted former top Hillary adviser Philippe Reines who confirmed that crooked Hillary could indeed make a third run at the presidency.

According to Reines:

“You know, she ran for president because she thought she would be the best president,”

“If she still thought that now, if she thought she had the best odds of beating Donald Trump — I think she would think about it long and hard.”

When sizing up recent developments it’s hard to not believe that Hillary has been the hidden hand behind the scenes with both the Russian collusion hoax as well as the ongoing neo-Stalinst impeachment inquiry.

Like death and taxes, Hillary 2020 is inevitable.