Kamala Harris Blames Sexism And Racism For Her Struggling Campaign

Kamala Harris proved that she is the black Hillary Clinton by blaming all of her problems on sexism and racism. In an interview with HBO, the California democrat tried to explain why her presidential campaign hasn’t exactly caught fire and the reason is she says people are not ready for a female woman of color president. To punctuate her Hillary Clinton-ish-ness, Harris then told a completely BS story about how even black people are racist against blacks.

Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign started out pretty good, but she may have been the only candidate at the time. Once others enter the race, she has been in a steady downfall, closing in on a Beto O’Rourke level of futility. Since nothing else has worked, why not go to the tried and true liberal ploy of blaming race and sex?

In an interview with HBO’s Axios, Harris was basically asked why she isn’t doing better in the democratic primary race and what she plans to do about it.

“I’ve also started to perhaps be more candid, talking about what I describe and what I believe to be the elephant in the room about my campaign,” said Harris.

“What is that?” the interviewer asked.

“Electability,” replied Harris.

If you think that Harris just admitted she is unelectable, you obviously haven’t been paying attention to how truly full of shit she is.

“You know? Essentially, is America ready for a woman and a woman of color to be President of the United States?” Harris said.

Get it now? She’s saying because America is so damn sexist and racist, her campaign isn’t doing better. Keep in mind that this is still the democratic primaries, so what she’s really saying is that democrats are sexist and racist, which is actually true.

Believe it or not, the interviewer called Harris out on her pity party by pointing out, “America was ready for a black man to be President of the United States.”


In response, Harris doubled down that America is too sexist and racist to elect a black female president.

“There is a lack of ability or a difficulty in imagining that someone who we have never seen can do a job that has been 45 times by someone who is not that person,” said Harris.

For those of you who don’t speak “Kamala” she’s saying that people, because sexism and racism, won’t vote for a black woman because a black woman has never been president before.

To prove her point, she told a story that almost certainly never happened. She claims she was campaigning for Barack Obama at the Iowa caucuses in 2008 and was asked to go to an all-black old-folks home to get out the vote. An elderly black woman answered the door and Harris asked her to come to the caucuses and vote for Obama. The woman replied that she wouldn’t vote for Obama because black people can’t be president.

Instead of Hillary’s “sexist women” excuse, Kamala is going with a “racist black people” kind of a thing.

Just for fun I searched for African American senior centers, retirement homes, and convalescent homes and there doesn’t appear to be any in Iowa. I’m sure the liberal media will jump on this fact-check immediately. Or not.

Kamala Harris is trying really hard to be the black Hillary Clinton here. She’s full of crap, fake, lies, has no record of achievement, and makes excuses for her failures. The only difference besides skin color is that Harris doesn’t have a powerful clandestine network to raise money and make her enemies disappear.

This is actually part of Harris’ exit strategy. She knows her campaign is going nowhere and she doesn’t want to admit that she’s unlikable and a shitty candidate so she’s playing the victim to save some face when she has to drop out. That’s chapter 1 from Hillary’s big book of failure.