Elizabeth Warren Agrees That The U.S. Supports Genocide

When someone says something crazy or offensive, the right way to respond is by correcting them. Failing to do so is an endorsement of that crazy offensive statement. An Elizabeth Warren groupie told her that the United States supports genocide and the 2020 democratic presidential candidate not only didn’t correct him by actually agreed. On top of everything else she hates about America, she now believes this country is in the genocide business. Why does she even want to be president of a country she loathes so much?

At a campaign event in Iowa, Warren got this question:

“Right now the United States is bombing at least7 countries, we support genocide in Palestine and in Yemen…Will you stop U.S supported murder?” asked a guy who looks like this:

Warren should have said, “we don’t support genocide and we don’t murder people.” Instead she went this way with it:

“I like your frame on this,” replied Warren.

She likes the way the guy framed his argument that the U.S. supports genocide and murders people in other countries? That’s the exact same thing as saying she supports his crazy offensive anti-American statement.

Right after that, Warren reiterated that she completely hates this country:

“We ought to be a great nation,” Warren said.

Trust me, Liz, we are great and they only thing that could change that is if you become president.

She then explained why America is terrible in her mind, with a double-down that we support genocide.

“We have to live our values every day and that means we don’t support, for example, what’s going on in Yemen, the worst man-made humanitarian crisis in generations and yet we continue to support this,” Warren said.

Well, what’s going on in Yemen is that terrorists are killing people. We don’t support those terrorists, we blow them up. Also, doesn’t she think that the Holocaust, the Cambodian killing fields, or Stalin’s purge were slightly worse man-made crises in the past few generations than what’s going on in Yemen?

Then Warren gave a body count on America’s support for genocide:

“Children die. People die the thousands, by the tens of thousands,” said Warren.

I guess children are not people. This must be Warren working her pro-abortion nonsense into her “America sucks” nonsense. Plus, let’s not forget that she just said America kills tens of thousands of people in Yemen.

Finally, after giving President Trump crap for pulling U.S. Troops out of Syria, she said this:

“We need to bring our combat troops home,” said Warren. “We should not be in combat in Afghanistan. We should not be in combat in the Middle East.”

I just checked the map and it turns out Syria is in the Middle East. Is this Warren accidentally giving President Trump a thumb’s up for a job well done?

Not that you need any convincing but here’s how you can tell the mainstream media is not just liberally biased, but actively working as the propaganda ministry for the democratic party: Supporters at a Trump rally chanted to send Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar back to Somalia and the President didn’t scold them. The liberal media hasn’t shut up about this and use it as proof that Trump is a xenophobic racist.

Meanwhile Elizabeth Warren just agreed that America is a genocidal killer and added that she thinks this country is terrible, but you won’t hear a peep out of the fake news industry about it.