Space Cadet Hillary Clinton Thinks Giuliani’s Brain Was ‘Seized By Aliens’

Self-awareness has never been one of Hillary Clintons strong suits (and the pantsuits are pretty weak too) so it’s no surprise that the most delusional brain-damaged person in all of politics is accusing someone else of being mentally incapacitated. The two-time loser conspiracy theorist says she thinks Rudy Giuliani’s brain was seized by aliens. What does that even mean? Who knows? But Hillary thought it was funny, which reinforces the idea that she’s the one with the bruised melon.

Because late night TV has nothing to do with comedy anymore, Jame Corden brought on Hillary and her insufferable daughter Chelsea to tell Trump jokes. Yes, this was as cringey as you could imagine.

Hillary and Chelsea came out as Corden was delivering a lame joke about Sean Spicer being on Dancing with the Stars.

“I’m really fed up with all your Trump jokes. Every single night. If anyone to be telling Trump jokes, it’s me,” said Hillary.

Seeing as she’s the least funny person on the planet, this proves right off the bat that she’s trapped in her own fantasy world. To prove just how unfunny she is, Corden stepped aside and let Hillary and Chelsea finish the monolog:

“I can’t blame Trump for trying to help Sean Spicer but if it’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that these guys really can’t win the popular vote,” said Hillary.

Uh, the entire leftist “controversy” over Spicer on DWTS is that he is winning the popular vote and can’t be kicked off the show. Do better, Hillary.

Maybe Chelsea is funnier:

“Former White House spokesman Sean Spicer is now on ‘Dancing with the Stars. It is an improvement on his old job: Dancing around the issues,” said Chelsea.


For some reason the audience cheered so Chelsea told another one:

“Fifty percent of Trump’s tweets have been attacks on people but 100 percent have been attacks on the English language,” Hillary said.

I wonder if Chelsea remembers when her mom used a fake black accent in a baptist church to say, “I ain’t in no ways tired.” I guess it’s okay to attack the English language as long as it’s done by a democrat who is pandering votes.

Finally, Hillary thought it would be funny to make this all about her. She was wrong.

“It’s pretty shocking, it came out to a total of 6,000 tweets attacking people. Even more surprising, only 3,000 of those were about my emails,” said Hillary.

It’s actually more shocking that professional writers came up with these “jokes” for Hillary and Chelsea to tell. When Hillary went off script, the jokes got even worse. As Hillary, Chelsea, and Corden sat down for the interview, the subject of Rudy Giuliani came up.

“I mean, he was a tough guy, he was a mayor, he was mayor during 9/11, I was a senator, I worked with him. I don’t know what happened. It’s almost like aliens have seized his brain. Truly he’s been possessed,” said Hillary.

I get it that Hillary was trying to say the Giuliani is mental, but what she actually said, in terrible joke form, makes absolutely no sense. People don’t get possessed by aliens stealing their brains, they get possessed by demons. Also, what the hell does “aliens have seized his brain” even mean? That’s not a thing.

The good news here is that Hillary has proven she can fail at anything she puts her deteriorating mind to: elections, honesty, fashion, sanity, and now comedy. I can’t wait to see what she’ll suck at next.