Liberals Want To Ruin This Year’s Thanksgiving With Impeachment And Abortion Talk

The happiness of others is to liberals as salt is to slugs, which is why they (liberals not slugs) try to ruin every holiday. The way they try to kneecap Thanksgiving is by demanding that everyone yell at their loved ones at the diner table about whacko leftist nonsense. This year the left would like you to ruin Thanksgiving by serving up a big plate of impeachment and abortion, with transgender pie for desert. I think I’d rather just eat the salted slugs.

Let’s take a tour of Liberal Hysteria Land and see how leftists plan on getting themselves permanently uninvited to all future family functions. First up is the AP, which recommends creating a safe space for liberals to scream about impeaching President Trump:

Or you could talk about other stuff.

Move On, clearly can’t move on as they came up with this handy guide for making Thanksgiving suck:

This guide fails to consider the truth of the democrats’ sham impeachment inquiry/coup attempt, but I’m guessing Move On and other liberals are more interested in feeling superior than facts.

NNAF Abortion Funds would like you to talk positively about killing babies over the Thanksgiving table:

If you are talking about abortion over turkey, no pro-baby-killing “toolkit” will help you ever get an invite to Thanksgiving dinner again.

The ACLU thinks your Thanksgiving should be way more gay and transgendery:

Everyone else at the table’s pronouns will be “STFU” and “GTFO.”

The Atlantic suggests dumbing it down so your idiot Trump-loving relatives can understand how dumb and wrong they are:

We should be consistently chasing truth, even as we implore our relatives to join the chase. We must find a way to meet our loved ones where they are, on their same level, as people who are imperfect and learning, just as they are. In meeting them where they are, we should be getting to know where they are, and who they are.

Fact: the liberal speaking to his or her relatives like they are children is the actual child.

Finally, The Washington Post doesn’t care if you talk to your family about liberal stuff, because Trump has ruined Thanksgiving for everyone, so it doesn’t matter:

Set aside, for a moment, its dark and dubious origins; Thanksgiving is supposed to be sacrosanct. We volunteer on Thanksgiving. We run 5K races for charity on Thanksgiving. We admire enormous parading balloons, for some reason, on Thanksgiving. Above all, we are thankful for one another on Thanksgiving.

Except when we’re not. Politics has always been there, the enormous elephant balloon in the room, threatening to disturb the culturally prescribed peace and fellowship by popping all of a sudden.

For plenty of families, Trump’s election stretched the skin of that balloon even tighter than usual. M. Keith Chen, a professor of economics at the University of California at Los Angeles, calls this “The Thanksgiving Effect.” After he endured a contentious family holiday in 2016, Chen says, he and Ryne Rohla, a doctoral student at Washington State University, decided to use the holiday “as a lens to try and understand the degree to which political polarization was degrading close family ties.”

Liberals come up with these Thanksgiving talking points because they are under the mistaken impression that everyone has a racist Trump-loving relative that the rest of the family dreads seeing over the holidays. The truth of the matter is every family loathes seeing the liberals that come up with this crap. There is no racist “uncle Cletus” but every family has an uptight liberal snowflake pain-in-the-ass “cousin Iris” that nobody wants to talk to.