I’m in a hurry because I have to get ready to go to my menial job, but I found a pretty good shooting this morning that I wanted to share with you all. Two people were inside a room at a Motel 6 in Modesto, one was a wanted man. This is a perfect example of what happens when you follow police officer’s commands, and what can happen when you don’t.
MODESTO, Calif. —
Modesto police recently released body camera video of a deadly officer-involved shooting that happened Friday night at a motel.
Officers were called to the Motel 6 on West Orangeburg Avenue at 9 p.m. to assist a bail bondsman take Raymond Lee, 54, into custody. Lee had outstanding felony warrants, police said.

Body camera video shows deputies approaching the motel door with guns drawn. An officer says: “Raymond, we know you’re in there. Come out with your hands up.”
The officer then bangs on the door and announces that he’s with the Modesto Police Department. After another attempt to coax Lee out, an officer opens the door with a hotel key.
When the door is opened, a woman near the door puts her hands up and is shoo’d out of the motel room.
This is the example of what happens when you cooperate. Nothing. Despite officers having guns drawn and aimed at her, she obeyed orders and lived another day.
But alas, thug boy chose to take a different course of action.
The attention then turns to the bathroom, where Lee slowly walks out, lifts up the nearby mattress and pulls out what appears to be a handgun. Officers then open fire, shooting and killing Lee.
Please note the growing pool of blood on the floor. This must have been caused once again by the dead thug’s lungs being blown out of his back. 😉
I feel sorry for the maid who has to clean up this mess.
Further investigation revealed that Lee was holding a BB gun, police said.
The police department is conducting a criminal and investigative review of the shooting. The Stanislaus County District Attorney’s Office is also investigating.
I’ve already concluded my investigation. The critter Lee was an idiot who wanted to die and this shooting was completely justified.
Hope you all have a good day! Drive safe and watch out for flying lungs. 🙂