Al Sharpton Calls President Trump A Conman And Race-Baiter

Suddenly that pompadour/track suit look Al Sharpton used to rock makes perfect sense; he doesn’t own a mirror. The biggest race-hustling huckster the world has ever known called President Trump a conman and race-baiter. This is like Hillary Clinton accusing the President of being a traitor or AOC saying Trump is stupid. Oh wait, those things also happened. Self-awareness is not something the left has an abundance of.

Over the weekend editors at Christianity Today called for President Trump’s removal from office on moral grounds. MSNBC, which normally hates Christians, embraced this call because it was anti-Trump. Morning Joe bright on Al Sharpton to get his take:

“We had Mark Galley the editor of Christianity on Politics Nation last night and he made it very clear; this is not a political position, it’s a moral one,” said Sharpton.

And then…

“By raising it to that level and putting it in that perspective, he not only exposes the President, but he exposes a lot of the Evangelical leaders, saying ‘I support the President on judicial nominees. I support the President on a lot of things’…He says, but you can’t get away from his immorality, you can’t get away from his divisiveness, his lying, his race baiting. He laid it out,” Sharpton said.

Divisiveness and race-baiting? Isn’t that Sharpton’s racket? Didn’t he start race riots and make up a racially charged rape?

“I think there’s a scripture that said what profits a man to gain the world and lose his own soul, he’s actually challenging them that, are you bargaining and selling your soul for some judicial appointments and some other things that the right wants but you’ve given up the soul of the church? What do we stand for?” Sharpton asked.

Sharpton stands for dollar signs and “racial justice” shakedowns. Speaking of which…

“It’s exposing all of them that they would take the shameless conman over the principles that they’re preaching in the holy season as we celebrate Jesus,” said Sharpton.

This is a guy who collects donations for his so-called charity and then gives himself 6-figure bonuses for being the figurehead of the bogus charity. He should look up the word “conman.” I think it might surprise him what that actually means.

“They would sell Jesus out if they felt they could get something from it, is the inference he’s saying from his editorial. And that’s sad on many levels,” Sharpton finished.

Sharpton would accuse Jesus of racism for not healing any black lepers and then threaten to boycott the Last Supper unless he received a sizable monetary tribute and that’s sad on every level.

Let’s not forget that Al Sharpton used to kiss Donald Trump’s ass, hitting him up for donations to his sham Nation Action Network. Doesn’t that qualify as “selling out” to the bad orange man?

Al Sharpton calling President Trump a conman and race-baiter is the least self-awareness thing possible. He’s been race-hustling and grifting longer than anyone can remember. Race-baiting, shakedowns, and scams are literally the only things he’s known for.