AOC May Lose Her House Seat Because Of 2020 Census And Illegal Aliens

After the 2020 census New York state is expected to lose at least one seat in the House of Representatives. That’s already pretty funny but it gets downright hysterical because it just may be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district that gets erased, meaning she’d get booted form Congress without even losing an election. Somehow this story is even more hilarious because the reason AOC’s district maybe be going bye-bye is because it’s filled with illegal aliens who won’t respond to the census and be counted. I wonder if this will change her position on illegal immigration.

This is from The City:

New York already is on track to lose up to two congressional seats during reapportionment due to population decline and slower rate of growth, according to a December report by Election Data Services.

And one of those districts belongs to AOC:

For Ocasio-Cortez, a full Census count is more than a matter of making sure her district gets all the funds and services it’s due. In a sense, her own political fortunes could hang in the balance.

A review by THE CITY, building on data and analysis by The Texas Tribune, suggests Ocasio-Cortez’ district could be particularly vulnerable to undercount because a little over a quarter of those living there are non-citizens.

That’s a higher percentage than any other congressional district in the state.

A Census undercount in Ocasio-Cortez’ district and elsewhere in the state could lead to the elimination of congressional districts — potentially setting off politically charged redistricting battles.

Maybe flooding this country with illegal aliens wasn’t such a great idea after all, huh Alex?

New York is already bleeding residents as people flee the state’s high taxes and low freedom, but apparently being a sanctuary for illegals as has some consequences too. New York should serve as a model for failed liberal policies: when you drive away the productive people who pay the bills, suddenly you only have mooches and scumbags with nobody to pick up the tab.

I don’t know if it’s irony that AOC’s district may be the one to go or if it’s just a little cosmic justice. The dingbat Rep. has been one of the biggest supporters of illegal immigration and now it looks like those illegal aliens are going to destroy her political career.

I figured AOC wasn’t going to have a long reign of stupidity, but I thought her demise we go much differently. I thought she’d get popped for criminal campaign finance violations or some horrific ethics thing. At the very least, I thought she’d forget to file her reelection papers because she was too busy telling everyone how racist they are for questioning her intelligence.

California is also expected to lose a seat in the House (hopefully Adam Schiff’s) which further proves liberalism creates unlivable hells that decent people flee. The only real question here is how will democrats try to steal the census like how they steal elections. I suspect an unprecedented number of people will rise form the grave to be counted in liberal states.