Body Cam Theater! Today’s Episode: “What Goes Around Comes Around”

Sadly, there’s no shooting in today’s episode. Well, there is. An officer shoots Narcan up a thug’s nose. But we still get to see a thug die! And that’s always a good thing! It seems Karma caught up with an obese drug dealer in Waukegan. While attempting to flee police, the fatty decided it would be a good idea to ingest 38 grams of cocaine laced with fentanyl rather than be arrested. Of course, the fat bastard’s family tried to accuse the cops of police brutality, but that didn’t happen as you will see in the video. They did everything they could to try to save this asshole but fortunately their efforts were to no avail.

Via The Chicago Tribune

‘You’re gonna die if you don’t spit it out’: Bodycam footage shows Waukegan cops pleading with suspect who died after swallowing drugs during foot chase

The investigation into the death of Avion Cotton last summer following a foot chase by Waukegan police found no wrongdoing by officers, Lake County State’s Attorney Michael Nerheim announced late Friday, and he said he considers the matter closed.

In a letter to Police Chief Wayne Walles dated Friday and released by Waukegan police, Nerheim said he received the Illinois State Police investigation on Thursday and reviewed a set of body camera videos from the June 27 incident on the city’s south side.

“I do not find that any of your officers acted contrary to the law and consider this matter closed,” he wrote. Since the investigation is complete, Nerheim added, he has no objection to the release of the videos.

A relative of Cotton contacted late Friday by the News-Sun declined to comment.

Yeah, because their claims of police brutality were proved to be false. No ghetto lotto cash for you.

The bodycam videos became a point of contention last year after a Freedom of Information Act request for the footage by a local activist was denied, then the denial was overturned by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. The city then had asked for an administrative review.

This was probably because lying ghetto thugs were screaming police brutality.

“They was beating up Avion. They was tasing him,” his cousin Anita Johnson said last summer. “He wasn’t violent. He wasn’t a gangbanger. Yes, he had been to prison. Yes, he did wrong, but that’s not who he was a person. There’s just things he’s done.”

OK, let me get this straight. He’d been sent to prison but that’s not who he was? “There’s just things he’s done.” Yeah. Get back to me with the logic of that statement when I’ve had another cup of coffee, because I don’t get it right now. And learn how to speak English, bitch.

Poor non-violent soul. Isn’t selling cocaine laced with fentanyl a passive aggressive act of violence, you fucking idiot? Do you have any idea how many people die from fentanyl overdose? Your fat cousin was a murderer, plain and simple. But before I continue, let’s make fun of your name . . . Anita Johnson translates to “I Need a Johnson,” which translates to, “I need a dick.” HA! 🙂

And now for more “eyewitness” ghetto testimony.

Witnesses said officers used force on Cotton even though he wasn’t moving.

“He wasn’t fighting them. They was on him, and choking him, macing him,” witness Nicki Flowers said. “When I came out of the house he was laying in the yard with handcuffs on. He couldn’t do nothing, because he had handcuffs on. I had seen eight officers jump out over him. When they was standing over him he wasn’t moving.”

Nicki, you’re full of shit. Show me in the video where all this choking and macing occurs. All they were doing was trying to save his worthless life. Now get back out on the street corner and make me some money, lying whore.

So let’s take a look at Nicki’s lies:

So odd. I don’t see any choking or macing here. Only a bunch of cops trying to save a thug’s life.

Cotton, 31, died after he was arrested by police officers who went to a residence in the 600 block of King Avenue to serve a search warrant for narcotics around 3 p.m. and saw a man “with an active arrest warrant drive to the target residence,” according to police at the time.

The search warrant did not specifically name Cotton, but narcotics officers had an active warrant for his arrest for driving on a revoked license when the incident occurred. police said.

Lake County Coroner Dr. Howard Cooper said the preliminary autopsy showed Cotton had “multiple bags containing a white rocklike substance” in his esophagus and stomach and there were “no signs of physical trauma seen during the autopsy.”

Nerheim’s letter refers to Cooper’s autopsy results that showed Cotton’s cause of death was “poly substance toxicity” from lethal levels of fentanyl, cocaine and heroin.

The videos show police recognizing that Cotton put something in his mouth during a brief chase that crossed a street and ended in a front yard. The officers are seen making multiple efforts to help Cotton.

Nerheim said in his letter that Cotton swallowed two bags of cocaine laced with fentanyl, a substance more powerful than heroin and responsible for many overdose deaths when mixed with opioids.

Those bags were recovered and weighed a total of 38 grams, according to authorities. Nerheim said none of the videos showed police Tasing, tripping, choking or abusing Cotton, and he added that Cotton appeared to fall before police got to him.

Police on the videos can be heard urging Cotton to spit out the drugs.

“He was eating,” one officer is heard saying as he runs after Cotton. “Check his mouth. … He’s gonna die.”

At least one other officer is heard yelling “Spit it out!” as Cotton is seen lying facedown on the ground with his arms behind his back.

“Avion, you’re gonna die if you don’t. You’re gonna die when that — hits your system, dude,” the officer adds. “Right now, I’m not about anything but you surviving this, you hear me?”

On another clip, an officer is yelling, “Avion, Avion, spit this out, dude, this ain’t worth it. This ain’t worth it, bro. Quit chewing that —, dude. I can see it on your mouth, bro, Avion, spit it out, dude, are you kidding me?”

“Dude, you’re inhaling, you’re ingesting, looks like, raw cocaine into your system,” the officer adds. “That’s not going to treat your heart right, bro, you hear me?”

“I can’t breathe,” Cotton says at one point.

“We’re trying to let you breathe,” the officer says. “Spit that — out, bro.”

Officers eventually roll Cotton onto his side, with one saying “I don’t want anyone on his stomach here.”

“Avion, we’re trying to help you here,” the officer says, responding when Cotton again says he can’t breathe by saying “we’ve sat you up twice, you keep rolling over. We’re not doing this to you.”

“You’re gonna die if you don’t spit this out,” an officer says.

About seven minutes after the video clip begins, Cotton becomes still. While one officer feels for a pulse and says “he’s breathing,” another says “anyone have Narcan?” referring to a brand name of the opioid-overdose countermeasure naloxone.

Another officer comes up with a nasal spray with the naloxone and administers it, while an officer says “Avion, stick with me.”

Good try but Narcan doesn’t always work. It definitely doesn’t work on cocaine and according to another source, “Unfortunately, there is a new dangerous drug on the street that affects all drug addicts not just heroin and opiate addicts, that one dose of Narcan cannot always reverse. This dangerous drug is undeniably Fentanyl.”

Police officers perform manual CPR on Cotton, and paramedics also gave him a shot of naloxone inside the ambulance.

He was transported to an area hospital and died.

So a drug dealer died a death that so many of his customers probably also did. I guess death was preferable to him rather than getting titty-fucked in prison, because look at the size of his man boobs!

Instant Karma.

Dolce et Decorum est.