Joe Biden Would Stop Coronavirus By Flooding U.S. With Infected Foreigners

Joe Biden must really be counting on low-information voters and a friendly liberal media to look the other way because he gives us reasons on a daily basis for why he should never be President of the United States. Today his self-inflicted disqualification comes from his plan to stop the deadly coronavirus from spreading to the U.S. with an open borders policy. Seriously, he’s saying the best way to keep this virus from reaching an epidemic here is by importing people infected with it.

Some Chinese people ate some bats and introduced a deadly flu-like virus known as the coronavirus into the human species. China is breaking out like crazy and the rest of the world is scrambling to stop the spread. This is like the plot of every epidemic and zombie apocalypse movie, accept that it’s really happening.

Joe Biden thinks the best way to keep this virus out of the U.S. is to import as many people infected with it as possible. He wrote an op/ed for USA Today, criticizing President Trump’s reaction to the coronavirus and hinted at how he’d do a better job. He starts out with this:

The possibility of a pandemic is a challenge Donald Trump is unqualified to handle as president. I remember how Trump sought to stoke fear and stigma during the 2014 Ebola epidemic. He called President Barack Obama a “dope” and “incompetent” and railed against the evidence-based response our administration put in place — which quelled the crisis and saved hundreds of thousands of lives — in favor of reactionary travel bans that would only have made things worse.

Obama was a dope during the Ebola outbreak and he did let people infected with it into the U.S. Luckily Ebola isn’t as early transmitted as the flu or the coronavirus. The important point here is that Biden says “reactionary travel bans” bans make things worse, which indicates he thinks not banning people from infected areas somehow makes things better.

Something he expanded upon:

To be blunt, I am concerned that the Trump administration’s shortsighted policies have left us unprepared for a dangerous epidemic that will come sooner or later.

Pandemic diseases are a prime example of why international cooperation is a requirement of leadership in 2020. Diseases do not stop at borders. They cannot be thwarted by building a wall.

Actually, if you keep infected people out, they are unable to pass the disease along. Diseases do stop at borders if you don’t let them in.

So if Biden thinks travel bans don’t work to keep pandemics out, what’s his plan? I’m glad you asked:

As president, I will reassert U.S. leadership in global health security. My policies will always uphold science, not fiction or fearmongering. I will ask Congress to beef up the Public Health Emergency Fund and give me the power to use the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to declare a disaster if an infectious disease threat merits it.

Awesome. He’ll wait until the disease reaches an epidemic and then declare a national emergency. That ought to show that disease who’s the boss.

Trump’s demonstrated failures of judgment and his repeated rejection of science make him the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health challenge.

…said the guy who thinks there are “at least 3 genders.”

The use of quarantines is literally the only way to stop the spread of a disease for which no vaccine or effective treatment exists. That’s as sciencey as it gets, Joe. His version of science is to flood the country with infected foreigners and then hope his nutless emergency declaration saves the day.

Joe Biden has given us hundreds of reasons why he’d be a terrible president, but here he’s admitting he would be the most dangerous world leader in history. Under President Joe, the zombie apocalypse would become a reality. He’s now running as the “Human Extinction” candidate, which he should know doesn’t poll well with the living.