Michael Bloomberg Nails Bernie Sanders As A Hypocrite Millionaire Socialist With 3 Houses

By all accounts Micheal Bloomberg got his ass handed to him at the democratic party primary debate in Nevada on Wednesday night. He got hammered for his sexism, racism, and elitism. He was nervous, unprepared, and got booed a lot. Yet somehow, he had the best line of the night when he drilled Bernie Sanders’ raging hypocrisy. Bloomberg trolled Sanders as a millionaire socialist who owns 3 houses and that’s probably the only thing anyone will remember from this debate.

This started out with Sanders attacking Bloomberg for being a capitalist:

“What we need to do to deal with this grotesque level of income and wealth inequality, is to make sure those people who are working, do you know, Mr. Bloomberg wasn’t you who made all that money of maybe your workers played some role in that as well. And it is important that those workers are able to share the benefits…They feel like cogs in a machine. I want workers to be able to sit on corporate boards as well so they can have some say over what happens to their lives,” Sanders said.

“I can’t think of a way to make it easier for Donald Trump to get reelected than listening to this conversation. This is ridiculous. We’re not going to throw out capitalism. We tried that. Other countries tried that. It was called communism, and it just didn’t work,” Bloomberg shot back.

Sanders called Bloomberg implication that he is a communist a “cheap shot” and then proceeded to prove he is a flaming commie.

“Let’s talk about Democratic Socialism. Not communism, Mr. Bloomberg. That’s a cheap shot. Let’s talk about what goes on in countries like Denmark, where…they have a much higher quality of life …We have socialism for the very rich. Rugged individualism for the poor. I believe in Democratic Socialism for working people. Not billionaires. Health care for all. Educational opportunity for all,” said Sanders.

Then Bloomberg struck the five-finger death punch:

“What a wonderful country we have! The most best-known socialist in the country happens to be a millionaire with three houses. What am I missing here?” Bloomberg said.

Sick burn, bro on a Bernie Bro. Actually on Bernie proper.

Bernie made the burn sicker by trying to explain his hypocrisy.

“Well you missed that I work In Washington. House one,” said Bernie.

“That’s the first problem,” quipped Bloomberg.

“[I] live in Burlington, that’s house two and like thousands of other Vermonters I do have a summer camp. Forgive me for that,” shouted Sanders.

A summer camp? And thousands of other people in Vermont all have summer camps? What the actual f*ck is he talking about? Does he have a summer home and if so, why not refer to it as a summer home? Is this one of those reeducation camps his supporters say Trump supporters will be sent to after Bernie’s communist revolution?

Bernie actually managed to make this worse by trying to drop a “gotcha” on Bloomberg.

“Where is you home? Which tax haven do you have your home,” Bernie said.

“New York City, thank you very much,” replied Bloomberg.

Yeah, NYC isn’t exactly a tax haven. In fact, it’s probably the most heavily taxed place in the country a person could live. Bernie failed hard on that one.

Like I said, Bloomberg had a horrible debate but he scored the only highlight reel slam-dunk and that’s all anybody will remember. Nobody’s going to talk about Elizabeth Warren’s chicken squawking, Pete Buttigieg’s measured pomposity, Amy Klobuchar’s cries for attention, or Joe Biden’s subdued incoherence.