Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God it’s Friday!

If They Win You Lose

By Ben Garrison

The latest Democratic debate took place last night. Unfortunately it looks like “what happens in Vegas, doesn’t stay in Vegas.”

Michael Bloomberg was the main event. The multi-billionaire was promptly targeted by the others and in particular, by Elizabeth Warren. Pocahontas called him to task for his sexual harassment. Mike apologized for his ‘stop and frisk’ program. We don’t like Mike, but he should never apologize to an radical SJW such as Warren. Expressing remorse is blood in the water to the angry shark that is Warren. Bloomberg was the clear loser in the debate.

The winner may have been Biden. I expected the one-man gaffe machine to foul up again and go on tilt, but he didn’t. He’ll foul up again soon enough.

Bernie’s health was called into question. The senator is pushing 80 and already had a heart attack late last year. He claims he’s in good health so we will take him at his word. However, his socialism is very unhealthy for our country. Sanders loves Denmark, but what the old commie really wants is Soviet Russia, complete with gulags. Thankfully, he will have little chance against Trump, and most of the Democratic elite know this. They will do all they can to prevent him from getting the nomination.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg was rather truculent toward Senator Amy Klobuchar, and she apologized for getting things wrong.

The Democrats all pushed ‘climate change’ and said the planet was doomed in 10 years if we didn’t again sign on to the Paris Accord and the Green New Deal, which would destroy jobs and our economy. They all want to carry out the global elite’s desire for de-industrialization and population growth.

We noticed Pete kept saying ‘climate science,’ to strengthen the bogus argument. They like to throw out the word ‘science,’ because we aren’t allowed to question their science without being called ‘ignorant’ or a ‘science denier.’ Science can be corrupted like anything else, though. After all, scientists are human and can be bought off.

It’s a jackpot situation for the Democrats. I use the word jackpot in its negative sense–a tumbling, out of control disaster. None of them have a chance to beat Trump.

There’s no safe bet with the Democrat party.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Why Bloomberg Can’t Stop Bernie

Via American Greatness

Newly radicalized liberals provide the foot-soldiers and useful idiots backing Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, and the Squad. Bloomberg thinks he can win simply by out-organizing and out-spending them. He is wrong.

Michael Bloomberg is selling the Democratic Party establishment on the idea he can solve the party’s problem with money. He is doing well so far in terms of buying ad time and endorsements, having the leadership bend rules for him, and hiring every Democrat campaign staffer across the country. But his lackluster performance in the Nevada primary debate did nothing to slow Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) momentum. Sanders is already showing that the leadership no longer calls the shots.

Millennial Democrats have turned socialist in the 21st century. They are identity-politics Marxists with a digital twist—the “woke.” Marxist promises to destroy the rich, followed by free everything for the masses are all there, relabeled as “social justice.” The ugly totalitarian underpinnings are given a virtue-signaling makeover and said to be fighting bigotry and saving the planet from global warming.

The future is theirs unless conservatives stop the progressive perversion of our educational system. We have made little discernible progress in the past three years. With the power of social media and the corruption of the old media, progressives have moved beyond our schools to mainstream their ideas among Democratic voters of all demographics.

Marxists such as Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who pressured House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to impeach the president with disastrous political results, are not the self-destructive fools they seem. They have the unified discipline, the energy, the numbers, and the money to dominate the Democratic Party.

They are succeeding with their long-term strategy, which is to discredit our republican institutions among Democrats. They have pushed mainstream liberals to the left. Not one single politician has dared confront them.

Like Ocasio-Cortez’s “squad,” Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) also raise their funds directly via social media. They are not under the restraining influence of normal political calculus.

Read the entire article HERE.

The 5-Year Descent & Crash Of The Boy Scouts

Via Sons Of Liberty Media

This week, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after mounting sexual abuse claims and allegations of sexual misconduct by adults within the organization. Apparently, sexual abuse settlements have severely strained the BSA’s finances; this has been exacerbated by some states having recently passed laws that allow victims to sue for damages even if the abuse occurred outside criminal statutes of limitations.

The bankruptcy filing temporarily halts hundreds of lawsuits the BSA is currently facing.

According to Seattle lawyer Michael Pfau, who has represented hundreds of Boy Scout victims in over two dozen states, the cases represent “thousands of perpetrators” and “tens of thousands of victims.” By all accounts, BSA is handling the situation as gracefully as anyone could under the circumstances, with plans to set up a compensation trust and pledges to provide “equitable compensation to victims.”

Apart from acknowledging the undeniable ignominy of this once highly respected organization facing hundreds of lawsuits stemming from the sexual abuse of children, one next wonders how an outfit with a 110-year history of teaching boys how to become virtuous men and good community stewards wound up plummeting from such heights.

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Submitted for your consideration: In July of 2015, the Boy Scouts of America announced that it was lifting its national ban on homosexual adult leaders. This came after years of activist pressure, during which the BSA was encouraged to admit homosexual Scouts, Scout leaders and, finally, girls to their ranks.

whether the BSA brass believed they had no choice in knuckling-under to LGBTQ activism, or whether a preponderance of the leadership supported the LGBTQ agenda is anyone’s guess. Having so dutifully capitulated to the PC Mafia however, it’s highly unlikely that we’re going to see a BSA spokesman in front of a news camera saying, “Well, you let all these f*****s into the organization, and of course this is going to be the result.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Pete Buttigieg Keeps Lecturing Christians About Sin While Ignoring His Own

By Dana Loesch

Pete Buttigieg believes everyone else’s sin is up for discussion — except his own. If his ‘positions are informed by his faith,’ as he so often says, you wouldn’t know it.

Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg tried to reach out and touch faith this week during a CNN town hall when Erin Burnett asked him about Trump and Christianity.

“Do you think it is possible to be a Christian and support President Trump?” Burnett asked.

“Well, I’m not going to tell other Christians how to be Christians,” Buttigieg replied. “But I will say, I cannot find any compatibility between the way this president conducts himself and anything I find in Scripture. Now I guess that’s my interpretation, but I think that’s a lot of people’s interpretation, and that interpretation deserves a voice.”

Everyone Sins — Except Buttigieg Apparently
Buttigieg believes everyone else’s sin is up for discussion — except his own. He cites Trump’s behavior, but what of Pete’s? Scripture is explicitly clear on the topic of sin and that everyone sins — and thank goodness for grace and forgiveness.
Buttigieg likes to say, “God doesn’t have a political party,” which is correct. But God did give commandments to uphold, commandments which conflict with policies such as late-term, post-birth, and partial-birth abortion, policies Buttigieg and his party are trying to normalize as mainstream Christian doctrine while passing judgment on the manner in which Trump tweets. If Buttigieg’s “positions are informed by his faith,” as he so often says, you wouldn’t know it.

Buttigieg can cite Scripture, but does he follow it? He forgets that “It is not those who hear the law who are righteous but those who obey the law that will be declared righteous.”

At the town hall, Buttigieg said “the interpretation” of Trump’s conduct deserves a voice by way of his office and this presidential race — but then so does Buttigieg’s, and if Scripture is the litmus test he chooses, then logic and fairness dictate that he too must be judged by these same standards. No one, not Trump nor Buttigieg, is free of sin. I don’t apply this to Buttigieg alone. As I said, everyone falls short of God’s glory, but — and I say this in a spirit of Christian love — it is difficult to lecture on sin while trying to make sin mainstream.

Read the entire article HERE.

Starbucks Unveils New White Privilege Latte

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

SEATTLE, WA—The coffee monolith Starbucks is introducing a brand new drink that promises to begin the hard work of ending racism in America. The new “White Privilege Latte” will cost $50 a cup and taste like pure hatred, bigotry, and regret. “This will be the most progressive drink on the market today,” said marketing director at Starbucks, Madeline Kohn.

The drink will come in a special new bright white cup with the words “SHAME”, “REGRET”, and “DISGRACE” in red stamped across the front of the cup depending on its flavor. The drink will only be sold to those of Caucasian descent in order to combat racism. The cup is designed to maximize the public shame experienced by the person drinking from it. Purchasers will also be taken aside by a barista and lectured for three hours about social progress and then put through a rigorous process of shaming, scolding, and being berated. Finally, the customer will choke back the bitter drink with tears streaming down their faces with their mouth forced shut so that none of the drink may be regurgitated.

While paying for the drink, you’ll give the barista your name, but instead, they’ll write a slur about how pasty white you are, such as “cracker” or “white boy.”

When asked why anybody would voluntarily pay $50 for a vile drink and horrible overall customer experience, Kohn explained that the company is planning an extensive social media shaming campaign that will drive whites to their stores en masse to seek penance for their evils. “Anti-white racism is really hot right now, especially among white people — our biggest customer demographic. We expect to do forty billion in sales the first month,” added Kohn with confidence.

“Besides, people already overpay for bitter beverages at our store,” she added.

The ad campaign, featuring slogans such as, “The drink you deserve,” “It’s Wrong to be White,” and “White people, you are all literally Hitler. Buy this drink” will hit social media and Starbucks locations later this week. Discounts will be offered to those of mixed minority and Caucasian heritage.

Check out all of the Bee’s great takes on politics and culture HERE.

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