Joe Biden Lowers Expectations In South Carolina With A Lie

Joe Biden crapped out in Iowa and New Hampshire, finishing 4th and 5h respectively. He said, “don’t worry” because he was going to kick ass in other states with less white people like Nevada and South Carolina. Well, he crapped out in Nevada fishing over 20 points less than commie Bernie Sanders, but has assured South Carolina would be his “firewall” and the blacks were going to come through for him. Now he’s lowering expectations in SC and claiming he never said it was his “firewall” which he absolutely did.

Watching the slow-motion train wreck of Biden’s campaign is way more entertaining than I thought it would be.

Biden was on Face the Nation and host Margaret Brennan wanted to know if Crazy Joe still thought South Carolina was going to rescue his failing campaign. Brennan made reference to Biden’s claim that South Carolina was his firewall and pointed to his waning support from black voters.

“You said it, my firewall. I’ve never said it,” Biden said angrily.

It is Biden’s position that he never called South Carolina his “firewall” and that it was an invention of the media. Well then, what explains this interview with NBC from just a couple of weeks ago?

“I think I’ll do well in Nevada and I think I have a real firewall in South Carolina. And then we go into the Super Tuesday states that have a significant number of minorities and African Americans. I think I’m gonna do fine. So I don’t think that this is like it has been in the past, that if you haven’t won the first two that you’re done,” said Biden.

Look at that. Biden called South Carolina a “real firewall” and yet he accused Margaret Brennan of putting words in his mouth. Maybe he doesn’t understand that when he sits down for an interview, they record his words and preserve them forever.

The interview got even more unhinged when Brennan pointed out that Biden’s support among black voters has dropped significantly from 54% a few months ago to 35% now. Biden, without skipping a beat, blamed it all on billionaire Tom Steyer. No, really.

“What’s happening is you have Steyer spending hundreds of millions, tens of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars, out campaigning there. And so I think a lot is happening in terms of the amount of money being spent by the billionaires to try to cut into the African-American vote,” said Biden.

Hundreds of millions plus tens of thousands plus millions has to equal like a zillion dollars. This guy’s mind is gone.

Also, his conspiracy theory is that a dorky white billionaire with virtually no national support and who failed to even make the stage in the latest democratic party debate stage is stealing his black voters by straight-up buying them. Perhaps Biden’s support among blacks is dwindling because he thinks they belong to him and suggests that they can be purchased by another old white guy.

Or maybe black voters have been looking at all of Biden’s “hairy leg” “Cornpop” nonsense and said, “That muthaf*cker is crazy.”

The bottom line is that Joe has been bragging that once diverse states like Nevada and South Carolina start voting, he’s going to rise to the top. That didn’t happen in Nevada and it doesn’t look like it will in SC either. He’s once again lowering expectations as way to make his pathetic campaign seem a little less sad.