Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tells People To Stop Thinking When They Vote For Democrats

It’s a weird week and it’s only Tuesday. Professional dimwit Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a brief moment of clarity when she admitted voting for democrats involves turning off your brain. She however doesn’t get any points here because she commanded people to stop thinking and just vote for democrats. It is noteworthy that she did stumble upon a truth and we’ll put an asterisk next to her list of stupidity, giving her partial credit for having said one sort of undumb thing.

AOC was on urban radio show The Breakfast Club and was rambling like a lunatic for about 5 minutes after being asked “how are you today?” At some point in this uninterrupted rant she said something about voting.

“Ultimately if we’re not at least suspending our disbelief for one day or two days on election day,” said Ocasio-Cortez. “We’re just asking for two days out of the year to just cast a vote because the system we have now is with the electorate we have and if we expand the electorate really unexpected positive things can happen.”

Okay, I changed my mind. AOC has said nothing here that isn’t completely stupid. First up she’s telling people to suspend their disbelief to vote for democrats like her.

The “temporary suspension of disbelief” is a term used in filmmaking and it basically means you can tell any kind of fantastic tale and the audience will buy it as long as you make it somewhat believable. The audience will turn off their BS detectors as long as the crap you’re shoveling at them is consistent.

What AOC is telling people to do is turn off their skepticism and just vote for the democrats, damnit! Try to pretend they aren’t out to destroy this country. Forget about how they’ve never done anything that improves anyone’s lives. Ignore that they want to steal your money and strip your rights.

This is the only way I could see anyone voting for a democrat, because they are completely horrible. And as I said before, AOC did kind of stumble on a truth here. The only way democrats get elected is by having a large concentration of low-information dummies who don’t care about anything voting for them.

AOC’s idiocy continued as she couldn’t quite figure out if Election Day is one day or two days. They don’t call it “Election Days” and that should have been a big hint to her, but obvious things are not all that apparent to dumb people.

Lastly, AOC says that if enough people stop thinking and just vote for democrats, “unexpected positive things can happen.” If these things are unexpected, there is no way to predict that they will be positive. That’s the very nature of unexpectedness. If she knows the outcome will be positive then it’s not unexpected, it’s expected. Duh.

How is someone like this, who doesn’t understand basic simple concepts, a U.S. Representative? The things that come out of her mouth are as dumb as if she showed up to the House wearing shoes on her hands and insisting they were gloves.