Democrats Try To Shed Black Support By Banning Menthol Cigarettes

Democrats lost working class voters by supporting job-killing policies and illegal immigration. They’ve repelled moderates with an extremist shift to the left on things like socialism and infanticide. They still have the black support, but after a closed door meeting democrats have come up with a surefire way to get rid of them as well. The House democrats are poised to pass a ban on menthol cigarettes, which is right up there with a ban on malt liquor. Now the democrats just need to find a way to alienate trannies, feminists, and stupid people to completely destroy their entire base.

The Hill reports that the House will vote on a bill that would ban all flavored e-cigarettes because democrats don’t feel right if they aren’t telling other people how to live their lives. That however is not all this bill would do; it also bans menthol cigarettes which, for whatever reason, black people love.

Remember when democrats, including Michelle Obama, were trying to get McDonald’s and Popeye’s banned in black neighborhoods? This is worse.

There is some pushback from the democrats because they think is racist.

“The message that we’re sending is that, you know, for poorer communities — communities with less franchise that are gonna be over-policed — we’re going to add an extra burden to them,” said NY Rep. Yvette Clarke.

When they outlaw menthols, only outlaws will have menthols.

Congressional Black Caucus member Virginia Rep. A. Donald McEachin said Congress shouldn’t, “tell full-grown adults, those over 21, what they can and cannot do with a legal product. I’m not a smoker, so I would never smoke. But you know, for those who do, they ought to be able to smoke what they want to smoke.”

Did he forget what party he belongs to? The only purpose for democrats is to tell grown adults what they’re not allowed to do. I wonder if McEachin feels this strongly against his party telling adults what kind of weapons they are allowed to own. Actually, I don’t wonder that at all. Guns are one thing, but they are taking about f*ckin’ with the black man’s Newports.

The ACLU also opposes this bill stating that it will result in, “systemic criminalization and racism” of black communities.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could care less what a couple of uppity blacks from her party have to say, she’s ready to pass this mutha:

Pelosi on Thursday appeared to be well aware of the concerns within the CBC. In promoting the legislation ahead of Friday’s votes, she rattled off a host of groups representing people of color — including the NAACP, the National Medical Association and the National Black Nurses Association — which have endorsed the bill.

“The list goes on and on. There are 75 organizations representing the public health of communities of color and teachers in support of the bill,” said Pelosi. “So we’re hoping to have a good vote tomorrow on that.”

Black people don’t seem to care that their support for democrats hasn’t done one damn thing to improve their lives. They don’t seem to mind that their democratic leaders take their votes for granted. They definitely don’t give a damn that democrat rule has them living in poverty and squalor. Take away their menthols and suddenly they will give a shit.