Elizabeth Warren Plans To Stop The Coronavirus With Open Borders

The best way to stop a pandemic is having control over the movement of infected people. Elizabeth Warren is a democrat so doing things the best way is as foreign to her as having an appropriately female hairdo. The floundering democratic candidate is proposing a plan to stop the coronavirus with open unprotected borders. That’s dumber than stopping a nuclear plant meltdown by hitting it with a nuclear weapon.

President Trump announced his plans to stop the spread of the coronavirus last night and since it involved Trump doing and saying things there was a liberal freakout that followed. Here’s Elizabeth Warren’s contribution to the hysteria:

Let’s see if we understand this plan: Warren will keep the coronavirus from getting into the U.S. by leaving our Southern border completely unprotected? What happens if people infected with the deadly virus want to sneak into the country?

It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that third-world scumbags infected with the coronavirus would try to make it into the U.S. for some of the sweet free health care democrats dangle to entice them.

Literally the only effective way to contain a deadly outbreak is with a quarantine. There are no “woke” solutions that will stop the spread of the coronavirus. You keep the infected out; you stop them from spreading it. Period.

Also, how is a border wall racist? Since when did inanimate objects have the ability to discriminate against certain races of people. The wall doesn’t care what color, ethnicity, or nationality a person has, it keeps them all out equally.

Under this rationale, the gates and locks protecting Elizabeth Warren’s mansion from intruders is also racist. She should open up her home to all manor of scumbag and loser if she doesn’t want to come off as a raging hypocrite. That’s a big “if” however.

In reality, Warren is saying that it is racist to keep people infected with a deadly virus out of our country. Put another way, hundreds of thousands of Americans have to get sick and die so people from countries that hate us won’t think we’re racist.

The sad thing is, Warren’s open-borders-to stop-the-coronavirus plan isn’t even an original idea. She straight-up stole it from Joe Biden. Exactly one month ago, Crazy Joe had the same idiotic plan:

“To be blunt, I am concerned that the Trump administration’s shortsighted policies have left us unprepared for a dangerous epidemic that will come sooner or later. Pandemic diseases are a prime example of why international cooperation is a requirement of leadership in 2020. Diseases do not stop at borders. They cannot be thwarted by building a wall,” wrote Biden.

I get it that Warren’s campaign is circling the drain and she needs to steal some ideas to get attention, but don’t rip off plans from a crazy guy who is also tanking. Why not “borrow” some of Bernie Sanders’ communism? He’s doing well and that crap and it seems to resonate with the far-left whackos of the democratic party.