San Francisco Orders All Residents To Stay Home Or Face Arrest

On Sunday California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered all bars closed in the state to stop people from getting drunk during the great coronavirus scare. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said “Oh yeah? We’re closing down all the restaurants too.” In the latest in liberal oneupmanship, the Mayor of San Francisco has banned people from leaving their houses. Those who refuse to comply will be arrested and charged with a misdemeanor. There’s nothing like a minor public health situation to bring out the inner-fascists in all liberals.

The San Francisco Examiner reports that the Bay Area is now Nazi Germnay with a side of Stalinist Russia:

With the coronavirus pandemic rapidly spreading throughout communities around the nation, city leaders are taking the unprecedented step of placing San Francisco on lockdown for three weeks beginning Tuesday at midnight.

The City will legally prohibit residents from leaving their homes except to meet basic needs including visiting the doctor, or buying groceries or medicine, until at least April 7, Mayor London Breed announced Monday.

If nobody is allowed to leave their homes, who are they going to buy groceries from? Don’t worry, liberals got this covered:

The dramatic restrictions, imposed under a city-issued Public Health Order, will also require non-essential businesses like bars and gyms to close. But pharmacies, banks and other businesses that perform an “essential” role for society will be allowed to remain open.

“This is going to be a defining moment for our city. We all have a responsibility to do our part to protect our neighbors and slow the spread of this virus by staying at home unless it is absolutely essential to go outside,” said Breed.

This will be a defining moment for Mayor Breed, but not in the way she hopes. Also, “London Breed” sounds like some kind of pretentious dog that rich people like, not a human being.

But what happens if someone in San Francisco gets the fool notion that he or she lives in a free country and has a Constitutional right to do what ever the f*ck they want? Well…

Police Chief Bill Scott said at the press conference that violations of the order are punishable by a misdemeanor, but “that is an absolute last resort.”

Oh, I’m sorry, that last part should have read “SS Police Chief Heinrich Himmler.”

For some reason I found this part pretty funny:

In a statement ahead of a City Hall press conference with city officials, Breed urged the public to remain calm and emphasized “that all essential needs will continue to be met.”

Everything is closed and you have to stay in your homes or you’ll be arrested and charged with a crime, but please don’t panic.

It’s also funny because the government, especially when run by liberals, is completely incapable of meeting the essential needs of the people. San Francisco is “exhibit A” in the case against liberal government competency.

And that leads to another issue: There are over 8,000 homeless people in SF. Do they all have to stay in their cardboard boxes and tents or are they free to defecate in the streets and shoot up dugs? For a bum, public defecation and intravenous drug use is technically “essential” business so I bet they are free to befoul the city.

SF won’t do a damn thing to clean up the streets or deal with homelessness, but now they are forcing productive people to stay in their homes under penalty of law. Bums aren’t going miss a mortgage or car payment, but normal people who aren’t allowed to go to work will. This is what liberal governance looks like and hopefully it will make the residents of SF re-think their decision to put whacko leftist in charge.