Houston Mayor Asks Criminals To ‘Chill’ Until Coronavirus Threat Is Over

I don’t know why nobody ever thought about this before. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner has politely asked all of the criminals in his city to stop committing crimes. Don’t worry, this isn’t a permanent request, the Mayor, a democrat BTW, just wants the scumbags to “chill” until the coronavirus pandemic has passed and they they are free to resume their criminal activities.

Here’s a bat-shit crazy thing:

“Let me just make my plea. Until the coronavirus is resolved, criminals take a break, okay? Stay home,” said Mayor Turner.

Criminals can still commit crimes at home but I’m not here to nitpick.

“And that way, they’ll stay safe and out of jail, and police officers can stay safe and go home to their families, okay?” Turner said.

So far I’m with him. It would be nice if criminals took off the coronavirus the same way millions of Americans can’t work. The isn’t that bad of a message, but Turner is a democrat so everything suddenly went to shit:

“So everybody chill. Crooks, criminals, you chill. Wait until the coronavirus is over. Okay, and then we’ll all be oaky,” said Turner.

Dude sure likes saying “okay” but more importantly, he’s telling criminals to take a break from crime but once the coronavirus crisis is over they can resume their illegal activities. Is it just me or is that a pretty shitty message?

How about criminals juts stop being scumbags altogether? I realize that asking assholes to stop being assholes isn’t a solid plan of action, but the Mayor of Houston is saying they can get back to the work of crime once the coronavirus pandemic is over. Not only ain’t that a solid plan, is a pure garbage message to deliver.

This is the mayor of major metropolitan area saying, “Hey, I get it that you need to rape but please curb your urges until the pandemic is over and the rape away to your heart’s content.”

It gets even dumber because criminals by their very nature don not give a shit about society, people, or anything but themselves. If criminals cared about the greater good or the well-being of their fellow man, they wouldn’t be leeches on society, they’d be productive members or our country. Asking scumbags, no matter how politely, to stop being pieces of shit is utterly pointless. They simply don’t care.

I have a better plea and it goes out to liberals: For the remainder of the coronavirus pandemic, stop being idiots. Stop trying to politicize a national crisis that affects everyone. Stop trying to use the crisis to push your bullshit agenda. Stop trying to tear down the other side. Stop trying to seem morally and intellectually superior. None of this crap is helpful.

Fret not, liberals. We will survive the coronavirus and come out stronger on the other side. When it’s all over, you can go back to being petty crybaby bitches, but until then either help or STFU.