Joe Biden Demands Coronavirus Task Force That Has Existed Since February

Joe Biden’s quest to seem relevant during the coronavirus crisis took another hit Tuesday as the confused elderly out-patient demanded that President Trump establish a task force to deal with the pandemic. Obviously Joe doesn’t have a TV, Internet connection, or a newspaper subscription because the President established a task force headed by VP Mike Pence in February. Next, Biden will be demanding sliced bread, horseless carriages, and record players because, not a joke, we need to beat this thing.

From his basement bunker, Crazy Joe did an interview with CNN’s Brooke Baldwin:

“The government, the federal government is in charge. The President says he’s a war-time President. This is a war against this virus. He should act like a war-time President. He should have someone else in charge with him, making sure all these things get implemented,” said Biden.

In other words, Biden is demanding that Trump put together some kind of a task force to deal with the coronavirus. As luck would have it, back in February, when liberals were dismissing the coronavirus, President Trump established a coronavirus task force and put Vice presidnet Mike Pence in charge. As per Biden’s March 31 demand, Trump put “someone else in charge with him” over a month ago.

I believe the official liberal response to Mike Pence heading the coronavirus task force was that the VP doesn’t believe in science and that he caused AIDS. This was also around the time that Joe Biden was screaming that President Trump’s travel ban on China was racist.

In reaction to Biden demanding Trump do something that he already did in February, this was the expression on Brooke Baldwin’s face:

Obviously she didn’t call Biden out on his bullshit because she’s contractually obligated to pretend like he’s not insane, but the the facial expression doesn’t like. She thinks, and rightly so, that he’s a senile lunatic.

In Joes defense, he doesn’t know what state he’s in, what office he’s running for, or if his shoes are tied. How can he be expected to know that President Trump has already established a coronavirus task force or that VP Mike Pence is in charge? It’s not like a presidential candidate should be apprised of major developments involving the biggest national emergency in generations.

Biden’s mind is gone, which is something he demonstrates on a daily basis, so that’s not a huge shock. What makes this truly amazing (and sad) is that Crazy Joe is trying to prove that he would do a better job and be a more effective leader by demanding that Trump do things that he’s already done.

He should at least be demanding that Trump do things he hasn’t done. He should say if he were president he would have nuked NYC to stop the spread from the coronavirus hot spot. Wanting to drop an A-bomb on New York would actually come off as slightly less crazy than demanding Trump start a task force he already started.

At this point, Biden should be making practical demands like someone telling him how to use a smart phone, how to stream Tiger King, or where his goddamned teeth are.