Obama Attacks Trump While Endorsing Biden

Now that there is no one left but Joe Biden, Barack Obama is finally ready to endorse his old VP. It probably would have meant more if he did it while there were still other candidates in the race but Obama was probably hoping it would be someone else who got the nomination. With this endorsement Obama proves that he doesn’t care that Biden sexually assaulted a woman and that he’s still a shit-talking butthead. Most of this endorsement is Obama taking shots at President Trump and Fox News.

Obama started the endorsement out by noting Biden has all the qualities needed to be president: he’s married to a teacher and he likes to ride trains. I’m serious about this:

“I believe Joe has all the qualities in a president we need right now. He’s someone whose own wife taught him how to persevere, how to bounce back when you’ve been knocked down. When Joe talks with parents who’ve lost their jobs, we hear the son of a man who once knew the pain of having to tell his children that he’d lost his. When Joe talks about opportunity for our kids, we hear the young father who took the train home each night so he could tuck his children into bed.  And we hear the influence of Jill, a life-long teacher,” Obama said.

That’s it for Obama’s list of Joe’s presidential qualities. Sure, he’s more qualified than Obama, but it doesn’t make that not a pathetic list. “I’m Joe and I ride trains plus my wife teaches at a community college.”

Obama then launched into a prolonged attack on President Trump. Keep in mind that Obama is afraid to say Trump’s name, but there’s never any doubt who he’s talking about.

“I know Joe will surround himself with good people. Experts, scientists, military officials, who actually know how to run the government and care about doing a good job running the government,” said Obama.

In other words, Trump has surrounded himself with people who don’t know how to run the government. If that’s true, why has Trump been so successful and Obama was such a failure? Also, that’s a shot at figures like Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx who are running the coronavirus response. Way to talk shit, Barry.

“Our country’s future hangs on this election. And it won’t be easy. The other side has a massive war chest. The other side has a propaganda network with little regard for the truth,” Obama said.

Here he’s obviously talking about Fox News being Trump’s propaganda network. What about the entire rest of the media running point for the democratic party? Trump may have Fox, but Biden has ABCCBSNBCCNNMASNPC and all the big city newspapers. Also, when has Fox ever had to retract a story that was unfavorable to democrats? I can’t think of one, but the liberal media is in a constant state of correcting their fake news stories about Trump.

“This crisis has reminded us that government matters. It’s reminded us that good government matters. That facts and science matter. That the rule of law matters. That having leaders who are informed, and honest, and seek to bring people together rather than drive them apart – those kind of leaders matter,” said Obama.

So he’s saying that Trump is a lawless uninformed liar who drives people apart. Remember when Obama was president and he drove a wedge between the races, classes, and religions? Or when he lied about ObamaCare? Or when legislated from the Oval Office? Or when he spied on America? Yeah, me too.

“Right now we need Americans of good will to unite in a great awaking against a politics that too often has been characterized by corruption, carelessness, self-dealing, disinformation, ignorance, and just plain meanness,” Obama said.

Cleary Obama is still pissed that President Trump wiped out his entire sad legacy in a little less than a year.

It’s nice to see after all these years Obama is still a passive/aggressive shit-talking douchebag. The only question I have is: what is the point of this endorsement? The only people who care are democrats who were already going to vote for the democratic nominee.